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it's exactly two weeks before the art convention, and all (y/n) needs to do is submit her painting to the management. she had asked hinata to accompany her earlier before, and once lunch arrived the two were walking towards where her painting was kept while chatting with each other.

yes, (y/n) kept her painting in that unused classroom. she thought it'd be safe since every single classroom would be locked after club activities are done. well, she thought.

as the two reached the classroom where her painting was held, they noticed something off. way off.

the easel where (y/n)'s painting usually stood was missing. the (h/c) haired girl's eyes widened, and she rushed inside before hinata could comprehend what had happened. she looked under some tables, hoping that the cleaning crew had misplaced it in the room. her heart was beating erratically, and her eyes were getting wet with tears.

hinata finally noticed what was going on and panicked along side her, searching around the room frantically. when he found no sign of the painting, his gaze landed back on (y/n), who was sitting on a chair and wiping her eyes as her tears spilled.

hinata quickly rushed towards (y/n) and crouched down so he was eye level with her. his eyes showed worry and sadness, and he reached around to give the crying girl a hug while whispering comforting words for her.

(y/n) blushed and hugged back, still crying silently. her mind was racing, thinking of where it coul've gone and/or who could've took it. at that second thought, (y/n) realized something, and it felt as if her breathing had stopped completely.

hinata noticed this and pulled back from the hug, his cheeks stained with a few tears. he tilted his head when he saw thata (y/n) was staring into space, her tears still falling down her cheeks like a waterfall, but no sobs or any other sounds were heard. "(y/n)-chan?" he asked, snapping the girl out of her trance.

"i-i..." (y/n) began, but she choked on a sob. she threw herself onto hinata, hugging him, so they were both kneeling on the floor.

hinata decided to not push further and ask questions later. he hugged (y/n) back just as tightly, his tears falling as he felt worried and sad that his friend was sad. sniffing, he started to wonder where (y/n)'s masterpiece could've gone.

after a few minutes, (y/n)'s sobs had died down to sniffles. she pulled back from hinata and wiped her eyes with her sweater sleeves, so hinata couldn't see her red eyes.

hinata watched in silence before taking a deep breath and managing a calm smile through his tears. "h-hey," he said quietly, catching the attention of the (h/c) haired girl. "what... what did you think about?" he asked.

(y/n) finally looked at him straight in the eyes. she looked like she was thinking for a bit before she finally shook her head while sniffing. "i-it's nothing. i'm probably wrong, anyway." she said, but hinata didn't believe it.

just as he was about to ask her what she meant, the bell rang, signalling lunch was over. (y/n) sniffed one last time and wiped her eyes, standing up. before hinata could stand up as well and bid her goodbye, she had already rushed out the door.

hinata watched her from where he was on the floor, his heart aching. he sighed and stood up, wiping his cheeks dry before walking out the same door as (y/n) did only moments ago.

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