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it's officially three days until the art exhibition, and somehow (y/n) and hinata didn't run into (e/n) at all. the (h/c) haired girl felt relieved, since the past few days she hasn't been in the mood to deal with (e/n), though it's not like she was ever in the mood to do so anyway.

(y/n) still wondered why nobody from the convention management asked her about her painting, since it was way past the deadline and her name was already signed up. it made her heart feel slightly heavy, as she thought that they didn't bother to ask because they couldn't care less about her, or that they completely forgot about her signing up.

today, (y/n) wasn't in a good mood. she felt down, because one; the thought about the convention's management forgetting about her, and two; she hasn't heard anything from hinata yet. (y/n) already called and texted him multiple times, but he didn't pick up and he didn't even read any of the text messages. she saw him at lunch before, but when she greeted him he just made an excuse to leave. therefore, it wasn't odd that she was in one of her worse moods.

sighing heavily, (y/n) propped her chin on her palm, pouting slightly. her friends were helping the management with some final touches for the convention area, and they told (y/n) to just stay behind if she wasn't in the mood. though, the (h/c) haired girl started to regret her decision of staying behind.

deciding that she definitely wasn't going to stay in class any longer (since school has ended anyway), (y/n) stood up with her bag hauled over her shoulder and began to walk towards the convention area to come and visit her friends. though, she also wanted to go because she wanted to test her theory about the convention's management, but she wasn't going to admit that.

as (y/n) arrived at the gym, she saw many teachers and some students walk in and out of the gym. one of (y/n)'s friends saw her, and the girl's eyes widened once they met (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes. she walked over to the (h/c) haired girl, seemingly nervous, as if she was hiding something from her.

"h-hey, (n/n)-chan," (f/n) greeted, avoiding eye contact. "what're you doing here?"

(y/n) smiled, although it was small and kind of weak. "just thought i'd help out. need anything?" she asked back, gripping her schoolbag.

(f/n)'s eyes widened even more and she fidgeted, laughing nervously. "oh! uh... no, we don't really need an extra hand right now. y-you can go home! i know that you're kinda feeling down in the dumps, s-so you should get some rest!" she said, stumbling over her words. (y/n) visibly deflated, her heart clenched as she knew that (f/n) was lying to her. seeing this, (f/n) tried to cheer her up. "i'll buy you some ice cream! how's that sound?"

(y/n) pouted and nodded slowly before turning around, walking with her gaze to the ground. she sighed and bit her lip as she listened to (f/n)'s footsteps, trying hard not to cry in front of a crowd. sure, she might've managed to avoid (e/n) the whole day, but it still doesn't make being avoided by her own friends and even soulmate any better.

the (h/c) haired girl quickened her steps. she just wanted to get home as soon as possible.

i think its obvious what's abt to happen lmao so try n guess

there's abt 2-3 chapters left until the epilogue uwu

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