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during class, hinata glanced at his arm, realizing that his soulmate hadn't drawn or written anything at all yet. he started to worry that something bad happened to them, so he grabbed a pen, rolled up his sleeve, and quickly - yet discreetly - wrote a message to them.

'hey, you okay? you haven't drawn anything yet, and i'm starting to worry about you :('

as he waited for a response, he watched as his teacher wrote something on the board and droned on about their current lesson. even though he looked like he was paying attention, his mind was actually wandering. from what happened earlier, to his soulmate, and then to what could've happened to (y/n)'s painting.

while hinata thought about those things, his soulmate had already written something back. when he glanced back at his arm, the writing had already appeared about three minutes ago. almost immediately hinata read what his soulmate had written.

'oh, sorry. i'm just having a bad day.'

hinata pursed his lips as he thought about what to say in response. once he had thought about something, he went to write it, but his soulmate had beat him with a drawing. he watched as they drew, and even just from watching the lines and shapes form, hinata could tell his soulmate was sad.

he glanced at the teacher - who was still writing notes on the board - before his paying full attention to the drawing on his arm. after a few minutes of watching, hinata finally noticed something. he grabbed his pen and began to write.

'are you in class? if so, don't get in trouble!>.<'

the ball of sunshine hoped that the little emote he drew would cheer his soulmate up. he watched as the drawing stopped abruptly, and instead of more lines forming on his arm, he saw words being written in his soulmate's beautiful handwriting.

'don't worry about that.'

the sentence made hinata tilt his head slightly, but decided to just leave the conversation there. he paid actual attention to his teacher this time, and managed to not fall asleep because of their monotone voice. after a while, though, his attention had moved to the world outside of the window next to him.

again, his mind wandered to (y/n). the hurt and panicked looked on her face made his heart ache, and he felt like he wanted to rid any reason for the girl to feel that way. the way she cried made his heart ache even more, he wanted to stop those tears from coming ever again.

shaking his head, hinata tried to stop thinking about it so his poor heart could rest. sighing, he rested his forehead on his arm on the table, closing his eyes and slowly starting to fall asleep.


when hinata woke up, it was already the end of the last period. he was surprised the teachers didn't notice hime sleeping. as the other students began to stand up and put their things in their bags, hinata quickly did the same before he speedwalked out the door and towards the gym to practice.

when he got there, he saw sugawara and daichi talking to each other by the entrance. the two waved at him once they noticed him.

"hey, hinata. what're you doing here?" daichi asked, turning towards the younger boy who was grinning excitedly.

"practice, of course!" hinata exclaimed. hearing that, sugawara and daichi looked at each other with wide eyes before laughing, causing the youngest of the three to tilt his head in confusion as his cheeks reddened.

sugawara smiled at hinata and ruffled his hair. "hinata, practice is cancelled today. the next few are cancelled as well because they're using the gym for the art convention," he explained, pointing at the door with his thumb. "it's been that way every year."

hinata's mouth fell open in realization and he nodded. he looked up at the two third years with sparkling eyes. "can i go inside?" he asked.

daichi grinned. "of course you can. this is the first years' event, anyway." he said. "alright we gotta go. see you next time, hinata." he waved before walking away with sugawara.

hinata grinned and pushed the door open, his eyes widening at the sight before him.

the gym was basically turned into a mini museum. everything was so organized, from the placement of paintings, the placement of statues, and other things. he also saw some people hanging a banner at the far end of the gym. other than that, there were a few other first years checking the artwork out.

what really caught his attention was a group of first year girls crowding around something, presumably a painting. as curiosity hit him, hinata slowly walked over to the crowd whilst admiring everything else along the way.

once he got there, though, he was shocked beyond belief.

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