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hinata stared at his wrist. he smiled, looking at the permanent cursivse writing right where (y/n) would usually draw on.

'(y/n) (l/n).'

now, the two couldn't write to each other via their wrists. they didn't need to, since they already know that their each other's soulmates, and they have phones to call and text each other instead.

needless to say, hinata was relieved. relieved by the fact that (y/n) was his soulmate. he had fallen for her so easily, just because of her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair, her (e/c) eyes that shine whenever she's happy or satisfied, and the fact that she was just so creative made him even more thankful that he had such a unique soulmate.

though, even with the happiness hinata felt when he found out (y/n) was his soulmate, there was also sadness and frustation that lingered. frustation because he doesn't know how to stand up to (e/n) since she's a senior, and sadness because he had witnessed (y/n) crying in defeat. it pained him to see her that way, and he was willing to do anything to make her happy without it being against her will.

hinata was still confused as to why (y/n) doesn't want him to hand in the recording to the faculty members. it would make things easier, but (y/n) insisted that if it was (e/n) that they were going against, handing in any type of evidence would just make things worse (if they even believe it).

(e/n) was loved by almost everyone. outside, she's a sweet and soft girl, which made the teachers pick her as favorite. she has a lot of friends, who all seem nice at first glance, but they're all actually toxic. especially (e/n).

to put it simply, (e/n)'s simply an attention slut. she would do anything to get other people's attention, even it costs her to do evil to other people. by doing so, boys would fall head over heels for her and more people would become her 'fans', and more teachers would favorite her. that's her goal.

that's what hinata remembered from (y/n)'s explanation when he asked about handing in the evidence and the faculty not believing them. to say he was shocked was an understatement, because along with that shock, he felt anger bubble up inside him. it made him want to spike a volleyball or two straight into (e/n) and her friends' faces, but as (y/n) said, it would just make everything worse since (e/n) has almost the enitre school backing her up.

groaning, hinata let his head fall onto his desk, making a few students near him jump in surprise. he huffed and turned his head, looking out the window that showed the hall his class was in. his eyes caught onto nishinoya and tanaka, who were both laughing loudly with each other. as he continued to stare, an idea sparked up in hinata's mind.

he could ask about (e/n) to his senpais. lunchtime had just started, so he had plenty of time to ask both 2nd and 3rd years, if he finds them.

hinata shot out of his chair, shocking the students near him once again. he ran slightly to his classroom's door and opened it, turning so he was face to face with the two second years who stared back at him with grins on their faces.

"what's up, hinata?" nishinoya asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"e-eh, um..." hinata stuttered, suddenly nervous since he was going to ask about a girl to his seniors. "you see, i wanted to know your opinion on someone."

tanaka hummed, crossing his arms as he raised a brow, his grin turning into a mischievous one. "okay. is it a girl?" he teased, laughing as he watched hinata's face flare up.

"n-no! well, yes, but-" hinata huffed, trying to stop himself from stuttering even more. "i-i'm just curious about her, okay?"

nishinoya nodded, signalling for the younger to continue.

hinata sighed, looking away so he wouldn't have to see the two's reactions. "do you... know someone by the name of (e/n)? i think she's in your year." he turned his head his head towards his two seniors, who's eyes darkened.

"(e/n)? of course we know her!" tanaka said, his expression turning into an annoyed one. "what a bitch. she's actually in my class."

hinata's eyes widened, as he definitely wasn't expecting that reaction, especially since he asked about a girl. his eyes moved to nishinoya who nodded, rolling his eyes. "listen, hinata. if you're ever hoping to get together with her, i'd advise you not to." he said.

"i wasn't thinking that!" hinata exclaimed quickly. "it's just... i'm asking for a... friend. who's conveniently my soulmate." he rambled, eyes widening when he realized what he had just said.

tanaka and nishinoya's eyes widened as well. they leaned closer to him in anticipation. "hinata found his soulmate?!" they both asked in unison.

hinata backed away, gulping before chuckling awkwardly. he waved, then turning and quickly running away to find his other senpais. he was hoping to find sugawara or ennoshita in the halls, as they liked to take walks during the lunch. at least, that's what they had told him.

luckily, hinata quickly found ennoshita doing exactly what he thought he would be doing. he held a book in his hand, so hinata figured that ennoshita just came back from the library.

"ennoshita-san!" hinata called, causing the said male to turn and look at him. once their eyes met, a smile quickly appeared on ennoshita's face as the ball of sunshine ran towards him. "hey, hinata." he said once the orange haired first year was right in front of him.

"ennoshita-san," hinata started, with the older listening carefully. "do you know someone by the name of (e/n)?"

hearing his question, ennoshita stared at him with a blank face before chuckling sarcastically. hinata watched him with a confused look, until ennoshita finally looked back at him with a small smirk. "oh, (e/n)? well, i do know her," he answered, rolling his eyes and putting his free hand on his hip. "she tried so hard to get my attention. not just me, but all the boys in this school. she's so desperate that it's actually funny."

hinata's lips formed an 'o' as he nodded slowly. he smiled. "i see. thanks, ennoshita-san!" he exclaimed before waving and speed-walking away, trying to find his other upperclassmen.

though, in the middle of his search, he passed someone he definitely wasn't expecting to see.

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