Chapter 1: San Fran -> L.A

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I felt the cold air hit my body. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I got out the shower and wrapped my hair up in another towel. I moisturized my whole body and did my skin care.
As I walked out the bathroom, I heard my phone go off.

Incoming Call From... Dad💕😛

Vanessa: Hey dad!

Dad: "hey sweetie! You almost ready?"

Vanessa:" for what? I just got out the shower."

Dad: "vanessa! Did you not get my message?"

Vanessa: "no? Why?

Dad: " your coming to L.A with me for the summer. I talked to your mom and everything, I'm surprised she didn't remind you."

Vanessa:" Omg! Fr!"

Dad: " I know you want to work in the music industry like me, so I pulled a few strings and I got you an internship!"

Vanessa: "thank you! Thank you! When do I fly out?"

Dad: " In 3 hours! That's why I called!"

Vanessa:" shoot! Okay um... I'll make it! I promise!"

Dad: "be safe. I'll pick you up at the airport. I love you!"

Vanessa:" love you too! bye."

I panicked But also jumped in excitement. I through my phone on my bed. I quickly grabbed my suit case and started throwing literally everything it, clothes, makeup, hygiene, ect. I ripped off my towel and changed and put my hair in a messy bun. I said my goodbyes to my mom and ubered to the airport.


I looked up my ticket that my dad sent me and went through security and headed to my gate

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I looked up my ticket that my dad sent me and went through security and headed to my gate. I found a seat and laid all my stuff down and sat heavily on my seat and caught my breath. I looked on my phone and it was 3:30 PM.

My flight doesn't leave till 4:30PM. So I decided to walk around and find some snacks for the flight. I went into a little shop and got some candy and chips. I then felt my phone vibrate. I took out my phone from my pocket and read the screen.

"Shit!" I said forgetful

Incoming call from... Liam🥰❤️

Vanessa : "Hey Liam."

Liam: "Hey baby, we still on for tonight?"

Vanessa : "actually no. I'm at the airport right now.

Liam: "wait what? Why?"

Vanessa: "my dad got me an internship for the summer and I had to leave ASAP. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you because I just found out a couple hours ago."

Liam:" Baby! You didn't even say bye or anything. So your leaving to L.A for the whole summer."

Vanessa:" Yea, but it's an amazing opportunity, I'm so sorry baby."

Liam: "it's fine but I'm going to miss you so much, maybe I can come out later in the summer, because I need to see you."

Vanessa : "I know baby, I miss you so much but I gotta go my plane is boarding."

Liam: "Okay I love you baby girl and please
Be safe."

Vanessa :" I will, I love you."

Liam:"I love you too, bye."

I hung up and felt so bad and I just really wanted to see my baby. Liam and I have been together for 2 years now and it's been the best 2 years of my life. He cares so much about me and supports me. I love him so much.

I grabbed my things and walked towards the desk to give them my ticket. I got onto the plane and sat in my seat, which luckily was a window seat. I plugged in my headphone and dozed off to sleep.

1 hour 30 min later...

I woke up to the flight attendant speaking over the speaker saying we are landing. We landed and I grabbed my things and walked off the plane. I texted my dad telling him I landed.

I went to baggage claim and grabbed my suitcases and waited for my dad. I then seen my dad pull up and as he got out a bunch of people rushed over to him with cameras and phones, but I was used to it because my dad is Simon Cowell.

I then raised and eyebrow and smirked at my dad as security pushed everyone away.

"Vanessa! Sweetheart!" My dad said bring me into a hug

"Hey dad! I missed you!" I Said hugging him back tightly

"Me to honey, how's San Francisco ?" He asked as we started walking to the car

"Good actually." I Said getting in the backseat with my dad

"Where to Mr.Cowell?" The driver asked

"The studio please Albert." My dad said

He smiled at me and I smiled back a bit but you could tell something bothered me

"I know honey, you don't like this lifestyle and you just want to be a normal teen, I will try my best to support that but first I have some people I want you to meet." My dad Said putting his hand on top of mine

"Thank you dad." I Said smiling

20 min later

The whole car ride to the studio, my dad and I caught up on some things like school, music, my mom and I forgot how much I loved talking to my
Dad And being with him

"Here you are Mr.Cowell." Albert Said pulling up to the entrance

"Thank you Albert!" My Dad said waving as we got out the car

We walked into the building and their were so many people here. I stopped and said hi to some people i knew and met some new people. We then enter in a door that said "PRETTYMUCH" on it.

"BOYS!" My dad yelled. He yelled
So loud I even covered my Ears. That's when 5 boys all ran into the lounge area. I looked at each one of them and judge them right away. There was one with some acne and dreads that were way to long.

Another that had to many chains on him, it was hurting my neck. The other looked like all he does is watch anime. A brown skin one who looked like a highlighter with his neon blue hair, the last one looked like a shark because he has way to much teeth in his mouth

"This is my daughter, Vanessa." my dad said pointing to me

"Yo, I'm Brandon" He said pushing up his glasses

"Austin." He waved

"Wassap I'm Zion." He said basically looking down at me because how tall he is

"Hey I'm edwin." He said

"Nick." He said in a scratchy but higher voice

I smiled at all them and to be honest all I wanted
To do was shower.

"So basically this is the group I put together honey, the group I was telling you about." My dad explained

"Ohhh yea.. I remember." I Said

"She will be with us this whole summer so no jokes or foolishness, got it. Vanessa, you will be helping them with music and shows and etc." my dad said to the boys and me

The boys all looked at each other and
Laughed a bit

"Awesome, I'm so excited." I Said biting my lip

"Okay now that you have met the boys , let's get you all settled in." My dad said Lightly patting his hand on my back

"Bye guys, nice to meet you." I Said waving as I excited the door

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