Chapter 4: Double Tap

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I went downstairs and looked for Brandon, to tell him Nick is passed out in his room. After about 2 hours, everyone started to leave. Thèa and I connected so much and we made plans to hang out tomorrow. I said bye to the boys and headed home.
I text me dad saying I was o my way.

I got home and seen my dad passed out in the couch. I grabbed a blanket and put it on top of him and turned of the light. I went u pro my room, showered and went straight to sleep.

Thursday- 6:45 AM

I woke u to the sun just rising. I wake up pretty early on my own because I'm an early bird I guess. I got up brushed my teeth, put my hair in a ponytail, grabbed my ear buds and went out for a run.

7:45 AM

I got back to the house and smelled the eggs and bacon. I walked into the kitchen and seen the chef cooking and my dad on his labtop.

"Good morning dad!" I Said going in the fridge and grabbing ingredients for a smoothie.

"Morning hon- Wait Whoa whoa, what are you doing?" My dad said looking up from the screen.

"Grabbing stuff for my smoothie?" I Said

"No no. Cory will make you one sweetie." My dad said pointing to the chief.

"Dad it's fine I can d-" I Said laughing but my dad cut me off.

"Vanessa. Cory gets paid to do this, now go up and get cleaned up, we have to meet to boys at the studio.
I just rolled my eyes and I was kinda mad because I'm not used to having someone do things for me because my mom and I had a really normal life back in San Francisco.

I walked up to my room and hopped in the shower to rinse my body. I got out and just got changed. I really didn't feel like wearing makeup.


I just chilled in my phone going through social media and stuff until I got a message from Thèa

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I just chilled in my phone going through social media and stuff until I got a message from Thèa. She wanted to know if she could come with to the studio

I went downstairs to ask my dad if Thèa could come by the studio. I seen him in the bathroom doing his hair.

"Hey dad? Is it okay if My friend could come by the studio?" I asked in the doorway

" I mean we are working on so music for the boys so she can't bring her phone in and stuff." My dad said

"Only awesome. I'll be in the car." I Said walking out as I am texting Thèa.

30 min later

We got to the studio and I could here the boys singing from the hall. I love there voices, they are so talented. I walked in the room and seen Nick recording his line.

"Hey guys!" I Said as all the boys got up and hugged me.

"What song is this?" I asked watching Nick sing.

" gone 2 long. I produced and wrote the whole thing." Brandon Said, you could tell how proud he was of himself.

"It's so good." I Said not taking my eyes off Nick. We all became quite as we listened to Nicks verse and I know I have a boyfriend and all but Nick just singing, made me feel something. Just then Nick looked u land his voice went weak and he stopped signing like he was embarrassed when he saw me.

I quickly looked away and tucked my hair behind my ear. I was also embarrassed because I made him stop singing. I sat down o the couch as I heard Thèa come through the door.

"Hey message!" She said walking in with a big smile on her face.

" thank god your here." I whispered to her as I pulled her down next to me. I then seen Nick come out the recording room and now it was all the boys, my dad, me and Thèa in the room.

"Thèa? Hey I didn't know you were coming?" Brandon Said giving her a hug.

"Yeah Vanessa and I met at the party so she invited me to hang out with y'all." She said sitting back down next to me. As Nick came out I kinda glanced at him and he nodded his head towards the door, signaling me to go with him.

"I'll be right back." I told them as I got up and followed Nick out the room. We stopped in front of a desk as Nick began to speak.

"Hey I just wanted to let you know I'm really sorry about the other night. I was ducked up and didn't mean anything I did or say." Nick Said laughing in embarrassment.

"Oh no your all good." I Said laughing with him.

"Okay good, that was a horrible first impression of me so hopefully you don't hate me." Nick Said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Definitely not." I Said smiling. We then both walked back into the room. As the boys recorded for the rest of the hour, I realized that Nick Said he didn't mean anything he when he told me I was beautiful...he didn't mean it. I DON'T even know why I care. I don't. I have Liam.

After my dad and I helped them with some vocals and stuff, my dad had to leave for another meeting with a different group I guess he's putting together.
All of us were now just on our home and chilling on the couch in the studio.

"Hey, you wanna go get something to eat?" I whispered to Thèa hoping no one would here.

"Ye-" Thèa whispered back but got cut off

"YES! Food!" Austin yelled jumping up from his seats. All the guys agreed and I gave them all a fake smile.

1 hour later

We finished eating and all went home. I got home and slammed my body on the couch as I pulled my phone and went through Instagram. I was scrolling and seen

I accepted all of them and low key stalked all there accounts but mainly Nicks. I scrolled all the way to the bottom and looked at them and I clicked on one picture and I accidentally liked it .

"Oh. My. God." I said slowly as I dropped my phone and freaked out.

"NO NO NO!!" I whined as I ran my hair through my fingers. I quickly looked at the date of the picture and it said,  March, 13th 2017.

"SHIT! I liked a picture from 2 years ago!" I yelled in stress.

"Why are you yelling?" A man Said from behind me. I quickly turned around and seen Albert standing in the living room.

"Oh sorry, I just liked a picture of a boy from 2 years ago." I said plotting on the couch with a frown o my face.

"Why is that so bad?" Albert said sitting next to me.

" so on Instagram when you post things it goes down to the bottom. So in 2017 he posted a photo and all the years after he posted so that means I had to scroll all they way down his profile to click it and now he will know I was looking through his photos." I ranted , while showing Albert the app.

"Wow, technology these days." He said

"Tell me about it." I Said as We both laughed.

"How are you and Liam?" He asked.

"Pretty Good so far, I mean long distance is hard but it's only for the summer." I said nodding

"That's good, well if you need anything I'm always here." Albert Said with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you." I replied with a big smile. Albert has been working with my dad for a while now, he was always there for me when my parents were fighting. He used to take me on drives when they got into fights and take me to get ice cream. When o moved, I obviously didn't see him anymore but it's really nice to have him with me again because he literally like my best friend.

I went up to my room and laid in my bed and fell asleep.

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