Chapter 13: Wet

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The boys go on tour next week. I'm super excited for them but sadly I can't go. I tired to ask my dad but he told me it's best if I stayed home. I got a bit pissed but just blew it off. Nick and I have been basically fucking on the low, With every minute we have alone.

My dad and I headed to the studio to work on some things for tour with the boys. We got there and headed into the dance studio and seen the boys practicing. As Nick was dancing I couldn't get my mind off how much I needed him inside of me!

He kept eyeing me and smirking at me and it was killing me. This man jumps the air like no other.
The boys finally took a brake and came to us.

"Nice work boy! How's the packing going?" My dad asked.

"Pretty good. We gotta couple things to pack and we good." Brandon Said hugging his water while all the boys nodded.

"I'm go get the paper work for your guys set list." I Said walking out the room. I headed towards the elevator and waited for it to open. As it opened I walked in a clicked the highest level possible whichever was 5.

I stepped onto the 5 th level and it was low key creepy. No one ever comes up here because all it is was paper work. It was a big room tho. All the lights were off and didn't work. I turned on my flashlight and went to the back off the room and dug through the box for the boys.

As I was searing in the box, I heard a door slam shut. I jumped and quickly looked behind me.

"Hello?" I asked

No one was there. I then urned back towards the files and dug faster because I was scared. I found the set list and quickly walked towards the elevator. As I pressed the button, I felt someone grab me.

"HELP AHH!" I screamed but the person covered my mouth. I then turned around and seen Nick.

"Shh! It's me!" He said laughing at me.

"Oh my fucking god! Nick! You scared me !" I Said punching his chest. He just laughed at me and pulled me into a kiss. I dropped the papers as my hands reached around his neck and into his hair.

Nick set me on top of a couple boxes so I was his height. He open my legs and brought his body between them. He kissed me all over my jaw line and down my neck. I took off my shirt and seen him stare at my body.

"Your so beautiful." He said touchy my skin. I blushed and took off him shirt. We continued to make out. As we got more sexual, he pulled off my shorts. He pulled down his pants and boxers.

I moaned and moaned from the pleasure of him inside of me.

10 mins later...

We both we on the ground catching our breaths.

"I wish you could come o by our with us. I'm ganna miss you, this." He Said looking at me up and down.

"Yeah I'm ganna have to find someone else to keep me company." I joked as I pulled my shorts and shirt back on.

"Ahh Hell no!" Nick Said looking at me like I'm crazy. I laughed as we both got up and headed into the elevator. We got to the main level and headed back into the dance studio.

"Where have you guys been!" Edwin Said a she stopped dancing.

"I have to get the files!" I Said as I held up the files.

"Yeah and I went the the bathroom, so chill bro." Nick Said walking over to them so they can start practicing again. Me and my dad went over a couple of things as the boys finished up.

My dad headed back to work for somethings while The rest of us went back to the boys house. On my way there, I told Thèa to come over. We got to the house and the boys had so much energy still. They went into the backyard and played baseball.

I stayed in the kitchen and cooked dinner for them. As I was cooking I felt hands wrap around my waist.

"Hey baby." Nick Said as he kissed my neck. I rolled my eyes fro the pleasure and realized what he was doing.

"Nick!" I Said as I pushed him off me.

"What ma!" He Said shrugging his shoulders.

"The boys can literally look through the window." I Said pointing to the huge screen door.

"Awh ma! Come on!" Nick Said and he turned me around. I was now leaning up against the counter. He kissed me slowly. I couldn't help but give in. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. We giggled through our kisses.

"HEY ! IM HERE AND I BROUGHT SMORES!!" Thèa yelled as we heard the door opened. I quickly pushed Nick off and wiped my mouth.

"Hey!" I Said grabbing the bags from Thèa. I seen Nick out of the corner off my eye. He rubbed his face and put his hands on his waist and sighed. I felt bad for always pushing him away but it's to risky.

After about 20mins. I finished the food and all the boys came in and we sat around the table and at like a cute little family.

"Damn this is fire." Edwin Said shoving the food in his face.

"Thanks! It's a family recipe." I Said taking a sip of my wine. After dinner we all headed back outside and sat around the fire. Thèa and Zion were hitting it off. Austin, Brandon and Edwin all shared one blanket, while me and Nick shared one.

"So how y'all feel about your next week?" Thèa said roasting a marshmallow.

"It's pretty exciting." Austin said

"Yeah, I'm excited to travel." Brandon added

"I'm tryna meet a hot ass girl!" Nick said teasing me.
I ducked my teeth and looked at him with a fake smile.

"Nah but for real, I can't wait to meet our fans." Zion said smiling at Thèa.

"What bout you, nessa. You seeing anyone after the while Liam situation." Edwin asked as everyone's eyes looked at me.

"Ahem um no, not really." I Said looking away so I don't make eye contact with anyone. I then felt nicks hand squeezed my thigh.

"Well maybe, since we are ganna be gone and you don't have to worry about us you will meet someone." Brandon added.

"Yeah hopefully." I Said knowing that it would make nick mad. He then slid up high. He was now tracing the line of my panties.

"OH my gosh!" I said out loud. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand.

"Are you okay nessa?" Thèa asked looking at me weird. I nodded my head and quickly got up and walked into the house. I went up the bathroom and felt my panties soaked.

"Great." I said under my breath. I then heard someone open the door.

"I'm in here!" I Said as I tried to close the door.

"Wait Wait!" Nick Said as he stopped the door from closing.

"What do you want." I asked annoyed.

"Wow. Rude." He said as he came in and closed the door behind him. I rolled my eyes and him and I was standing awkwardly because I felt so dirty.

"Why you standing like that?" Nick asked a she stepped closer to me.

"I'm not?" I Said and I tried to standup right but you could tell I was uncomfortable.

Ohhhhh. I made you wet." Nick Said smirking at me.

"In your dreams." I Said walking past him but before I could touch the door he grabbed me and started to make out with me.

"Ugh I fucking hate you!" I Said giggling though our kisses.

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