Chapter 3: Tipsy

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There performance was really good. That was the first time I've ever heard there music. I really like there style. The whole time I just couldn't take my eyes off Nick. He was just growing on me and man...those high notes ahhhh.

They finished performing and the fans went crazy. There were at least 1,000 girls here. I watched from the balcony because no one is aloud to be up here except the mangers and stuff. After the show ended I went to the backstage.

"PRETTY PRETTY PRETTYMUCH WE ROCKIN PRETTY!!" Everyone chanted. Everyone was hugging each other and clapping. I joined in on the clapping as I walked towards the boys.

"Soooo How were we?" Edwin asked as all the boys stuck there heads out waiting for my answer

"Eh you guys were..." I said pretending I'm not impressed as all the guys faces looked curious

"AMAZING! You guys really know how to get the crowd going!" I Said smiling

"YAaaa!" All the boys cheered

As i gave all the boys a hug, my dad came.

"Well done boys." My dad said clapping. My dad and the boys talked for a bit as I was talking to some other mangers and stuff.

"Vanessa, Albert is waiting for us." My dad said

"Okay hold on-" I Said grabbing my things but Nick interrupted me

"Actually Simon, If it's okay with you, the boys and I are throwing a little get together and Vanessa was going to come." Nick said

"I was?" I asked not knowing what was going on

"Yea duh remember." Brandon added giving me the "just go with it" Look

"Ohh yea, can I go?" I asked my dad

"Yeah I don't see why not but text me when your on your way home and boys please make sure she is safe." My dad said

"Will do." Austin said as the rest of the boys nodded there head

My dad left and I turned to the boys

"So are we ganna go party or what?" I laughed

"Yes let's go!" Zion said hyping everyone up. We all went out through the back and got into the car. Brandon drove. We pulled up to there house and it was a pretty decent size house.

"Damn my dad rents this place for you guys and I can't even get my own apartment." I complained

"Really?" Edwin Said

"Yea, he doesn't want me to live alone." I rolled my eyes. We walked in the house and there were people already pulling into the driveway.

1 hour later...

I was dancing and having a good time. I loved to dance and mess around. I was dancing with people I never met.

"I love your dress!" A girl said as she danced with me

"Omg! Thank you! I love your shoes!" I smiled back

"I'm Thèa!" She said

"Vanessa!" I Shouted as we both smiled and started to dance with everyone.

"Wanna get a drink?" I asked Thèa

"Please!" She said desperate

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