Chapter 16: Fallin'

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I pushed the stall open and dropped to my knees and picked all in the toilet. I continued to puke and puke. I then heard the bathroom door open.

"Vanessa?" Nick Said as he look curiously around the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh! Vanessa! Are you okay!" He Said as he ran over to the stall and rubbed my back. I tried to push my hair out my face but it kept getting in the way. He then grabbed all my hair and moved it out of my face.

"It's okay, just let it out." He said comforting me. After I finally finished getting everything out. I got up and went to the sink to wash my mouth.

"S-Sorry you have to see me like this." I said wiping my mouth with paper towel.

"Look Nick, I'm really really sorry. I miss you like crazy and I over reacted. I should of told you about the dance ." I ranted.

"Thanks for the apology but I think it's best if I just finish tour and not worry about relationships.ill see you out there." Nick Said walking out the bathroom.

I felt tears form my eyes but I held them back. I went to my purse and I always kept a little travel toothbrush and toothpaste. I brushed my teeth and headed to the rest of the boys and crew.

"Vanessa!" The boys yelled as they ran to me and hugged me.

"Hey guys!" I Said pulling away from the hug.

"How's tour life?" I asked laughing.

"Amazing! We have been all over!" Brandon said

"Yeah and we met so many beautiful fans!" Austin added, while the rest of the boys nodded in agreement.

" that's amazing." I Said smiling at there smiles.


"You guys better kill it!" Thèa said as we were huddling up.

"Yes! I want you Guys to ya w the best performance ever!" I Said looking at each one of them and at Nick a little longer. He smiled at me and then looked away.

"Come on boys! The fans are yelling for you!" My dad said breaking up the circle. I seen the boys dub up one another and ran onto the stage.

"Wait Nick!" I yelled before he ran onto the stage. He stopped at looked at me. I ran up to him and kissed his cheek.

"Break a leg." I Said as he smiled lightly and ran onto the stage with the rest of the boys. Thèa and I headed up the the balcony. I put all my bags and purse in a corner on the other side of the balcony.It was just us up here so we could enjoy the show.

After the show
The show was so amazing and nick look so damn good. The venue cleared up but the boys were on the stage watching the videos There videographer filmed of them.

"Ready to go back down?" Thèa asked.

"Um yea I'll meet you down there I gotta grabbed my bags over there. Thèa nodded and headed back down the the main level. As I walked to the other side of the balcony, I grabbed my bags and started walking towards the stairs.

"VANESSA!" I heard someone yell. I looked up from my phone and seen Carter standing in front of me in the stair way

"Carter! What are you doing here? You need to leave!" I Said as I looked around and tried to whisper.

"NO! YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST DITCH ME AND NOT BE MY PARTNER! ALSO YOU EMBARRASSED ME IN FRONT OF MY CLASS!" He Shouted as he walked towards me and making me walk backyards towards the end of the balcony.

"Carter look, you fucked things up! So just leave, I'm done with you ass!" I Said getting a little Scared. As he kept walking me towards the end of the balcony, I felt my back hit the railing.

"I'm done with you too." He whisper in my face. He then grabbed my neck and pushed my back as I was not dangling off the railing.

"AHHH HELP!  HEL-" I screamed as Carter was barley holding on to me. If he moved his hand I would drop right down

"WHAT THE FUCK! VANESSA!" Nick yelled as he saw me hanging off to balcony. He ran as fast as he could up the stairs.

"PUT HER THE FUCK DOWN!" Brandon yelled as everyone heard and came into the main room and seen Carter hanging me off the balcony.

"Vanessa! Sweetheart, just breath we will get you down safely." My dad yelled as he was on the phone with the police.

I was so fucking scared. I came to my thoughts that I could die any second.

"SHE WONT BE OKAY IF I- DROP HER!" Carter yelled as moved his hand down a bit to scare everyone. I flinched and grabbed on to his hand that was around my neck.

"Please Carter don't do this." I cried as I was looking down at everyone. They all formed a circle, just in case I felt, they could try to catch me.

"Carter! Bro. Please don't do this." Nick Said as he walked slowly towards us with his hands up.

"The police are already here, so either way you are getting locked up,now just bring her ba-" nick said walking closer but,

He released his hand.

"NOOO!" Everyone screamed in fear.

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