Chapter 5: Studio

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I woke up to my phone go off. I picked up my phone and read the time and it was 11:00 PM, I seen a message for nick.

1 New text message

I quietly got out my bed and changed into some sweat shorts and a hoodie and put on my slides

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I quietly got out my bed and changed into some sweat shorts and a hoodie and put on my slides. I walked down the stares super slowly so I wouldn't make noise. I then made my way to the front door and I was about to put my hand on the handle of the door until I heard someone clear there throat.

I slowly turned around and seen Albert standing there with his arms crossed and his eyebrow raised.

"Hey, bud." I Said smiling, trying to change the subject

"Why are you sneaking out Ms. Vanessa?" Albert Said with a smirk on his face

"Please don't tell my dad, nick needs me at the studio." I whispered. I gave him puppy dog eyes and seen him give in.

"Fine, but I'm taking you," Albert Said grabbing his hat and keys.

"Thank you thank you." I said running out the door.

20 min later

"Thank you so much, I'll be home before 12:00PM." I Said through the window.

"You better or your father will kill me." Albert Said driving off. I laughed and walked into the studio. I went down the hall and seen the door opened a crack. Nick was in the studio trying different verse and deleting them back and forth.

"Knock knock.." I Said quietly.

"Hey Vanessa." Nick Said as he turned around and I could see a smile appear on his face.

"Hey, what you working on?" I said sitting in the chair next to him.

"Well I have to come up with my own verse in gone 2 long, but I can't figure out the right words." Nick Said playing with some buttons on the lab-top.

"Well let me here some." I said grabbing headphone and nodding my head to go into the recording booth.
Nick got in and went into the booth and started singing. I played with some buttons and told him to come out.

"Okay so maybe if you sing it's like, " I look in the mirror and don't see no tough guy, but I'll be fineeee." I sang.

"Damn girl you can sing!" Nick Said surprises.

"Haha no I can't. Now go and try it" I laughed as I pushed him back in the booth. He sung it and it sounded so much better and you could tell how much Nick liked it.

He came running out the booth and hugged me.

"Vanessa! That sounds so much better." Nick Said shaking my shoulders back and forth. I laughed at his excitement.

"I told you !" I Said shaking him back. We then stopped shaking each other and we kinda had a moment. We were staring into each other's eyes and I seen him lean a bit towards me but phone went off.

"Oh um m, I gotta uh get this." I Said awkwardly as I grabbed my phone and walked out the room. I looked at my phone and seen Liam's name pop up

Incoming call from... Liam 🤗❤️

Vanessa: "Hey baby!"

Liam: "oh your up?"

Vanessa: "Yea I'm working late."

Liam: "Aw well I just was ganna leave you a message, to tell you I can't come out this summer."

Vanessa: "What! Why?"

Liam: "with school and stuff, I just can't afford it."

Vanessa: " no, I can...I can ask my dad. Yeah my dad will get you a ticket."

Liam:" no no I'm not taking your dads money."

Vanessa:" Baby.."

Liam: " I wanna see you so bad, it hurts but I just can't afford it."

Vanessa: "I miss you so much."

Liam: "I know baby me too but how about when you come back here after the summer, I'll pick you up from the airport."

Vanessa: " deal."

Liam:" Okay get some sleep nessa, love you."

Vanessa: "love you too."

After I hung up on Liam, I went back into. The room where I seen Nick sitting in the chair, listening to the recording with headphones on. I went up behind him and took them off. He jumped and turned around with the biggest smile.

"I think you should head home, you have bags under your eyes." I laughed

"No no i gotta lock up, you should go home and sleep." Nick Said pushing me back playfully but a bit aggressive

"No you." I Said pushing him harder but playfully

"Why you pushing me harder huh?" Nick said pushing me back so I tumbled a bit

"Because you doing it to me!" I Said laughing while I pushed him so he felt onto the floor. I laughed right in his face

"Ooouuu your ganna get it!" Nick Said as he jumped up and ran after me. I laughed as I ran into the lobby and down random halls. I ran into a room and slammed the door behind me. I was panting and looked through the window on the door.

"Boo!" Nick yelled as he grabbed my waist and pulled me back.

"Nick!!! " I yelled struggling to get out his grip. I kicked and punched and finally he let me loose.

"I am way to tired to be playing with you right now." I Said walking back to the studio.

"Yea, It is getting late." Nick mentioned

"Yea, it's 12:30 AM." I Said and then I realized...

"Shit! I gotta get home. I'm glad I could help. I'll see you tomorrow." I Said grabbing my bag and racing out the door.

"Thank you so much for the help VANESSA!" Nick yelled as I exited the door.

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