Chapter 10: Carnival

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It's been 3 days since Liam and I broke up. I've been in bed and watching movies and crying. Thèa came over a lot to check up on me. The boys also did except nick. My dad told me to take as much time as I needed.

I was in bed watching a romantic movie and I heard a knock on my door.

"I'm not here." I Said in a crabby voice. I heard a chuckle and seen nick walk in my room.

"Nick? I d-didn't know you were coming over." I Said quickly as I sat up and covered myself with my blanket and tried to fix my hair.

"Nessa. Nessa. You don't need to fix yourself. I understand how you feel." Nick Said as he sat next to me on my bed.

"You do?" I questioned

"Her name is Alexys. We were together for almost 2 years and stuff happened and we broke up and I was miserable. I didn't eat, sleep or leave my house for almost a week." Nick Said as I could see him staring off

"I'm sorry." I Said as I looked u pat him. He did a light nod.

"So are we going to the carnival or not!" Nick Said changing his mood quickly.

"No! I wanna stay in bed and cry!" I whined.

"Nope! Come on! Everyone is going! I'll be back to pick you and Thèa up in 2 hours!" Nick Said leaving my room.

I rolled my eyes and stretched in my bed. I called Thèa and she was on her way over. I got into the shower and got out and Thèa came into my room.

"Girl! Look at this fucking shirt I just got!" She said doing a little run way show.

"Omg you need to stop!" I laughed as i through my pillow at her.

"Come on! What you wearing tonight?" She said

"Thèa, I really don't wanna go..." I Said playing with the tag on the pillow.

"Nessa. I know you don't want to but the only way to get over him is to go out and spend time with your friends." Thèa said sitting on the eve of my bed.

"Ugh fine." I Said as a smile appeared on my face.

"Yayayah!!" Thèa said as she jumped up from my bed and clapped her hands.

"Okay so let's we what you got!" Thèa said as she went through my closet. I followed behind her.

"Actually I just got A cropped hoodie last week so I'm just ganna wear that." I Said looking for it and running to the bathroom.


Thèa ended up wearing a hoodie and jeans as well and as we finished our makeup, nick texted me that he was here

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Thèa ended up wearing a hoodie and jeans as well and as we finished our makeup, nick texted me that he was here.

We drove to the carnival which was only like 20 mins away. We got out and I seen all the boys and there girlfriends with them. We walked over to everyone and said hi and stuff

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