Chapter 14: Dance

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Today's the day the boys leave. I woke up and headed to the boys house early. As I walked into their house, I seen there luggage all packed and ready to go as the boys were scattering around the house for last minute things.

"Boys the bus is here!" I Shouted. They all came happy and grabbed there bags and started to pack the bus up. I realized I didn't see Nick. I walked up to his room and seen my sitting down on the bed.

"Hey hot stuff." I Said walking over to him.

"Hey nessa." He Said down.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's am I ganna be without you for 6 months!" He chuckled. I looked at him with a puppy face.

"Awhhh Nick ima miss you so much, it's ganna kill me." I Said hugging him. He squeezed tightly and picked me up and spun me around.

"Promise me, you will call me every night." I Said peaking him on the lips.

"Promise." He Said as he kissed me long and passionate.

" Okay, it's time." I Said as we walked out the room and outside.

"Come on Nick! We waiting on you bro!" Brandon Said from the window of the bus. Nick and I waked on the bus.

"Okay um so I guess I'll see you guys in about 5 months." I Said pretending to cry.

"Ahh Vanessa!" The boys said hugging me.

"I'll be okay. I'll see you guys at the L.A show but I want you guys to update me on everything!" I Said pointing at all them.

"Got it boss." Edwin Said.

"Bye boys." I Said walking down out the bus. Before I walked fully out, I looked at Nick and winked at him. He smiled and lightly waved goodbye.

2 months later

"Aye! Aye! Aye!" The crowed cheered me and carter on. I decided since the boys are gone and I really wasn't working until they get back, that I would accept Carters offer and be his dance partner. I've been practicing for almost 3 weeks and it's been so good.

I just got out of practiced and headed home. I went though social media and seen all the fans posting about the concerts and I loved seeing the boys happy. I plugged my phone to the charger and headed into the shower. After my shower I heard my phone go off.

1 new text message

Nick🤩: Hey ma❤️

                                          Me: Hey! How's tour so far?

Nick🤩: really good but, nessa I miss you so much. Especially your body😫

Me: trust me I miss your touch😤

Nick🤩: So what you been up to?

                                     Me: actually I accepted Carters offer! I've been practicing all day, everyday.

Nick🤩: wait what! So this whole time I've been gone, your dancing with Carter 😠

                                                   Me: yes and it's for a competition! I really enjoy dancing nick and I don't really wanna start about Carter because you know we are just friends!

Nick🤩: well go have fun! Let him know he can touch you all he wants.

                         Me: Nick. Really. Come on. Baby.😢
Read: 7:26 pm

I was so pissed to be honest. Carter and I are just dance partners and Nick can't accept that. I'm not complaining that he's meet thousands of girls! I love him and would never ever hurt him.  I was so mad, so I decided to to the studio and dance to get my anger out.

As I was dancing in anger, I heard a voice. I paused the music and turned around as I was panting.

"Your just always working." Carter said smiling

"Yeah I guess so ." I chuckled

"Why you here so late?" Carter asked and we both sat down on the ground.

"Just needed to get stuff off my chest." I Said as I chugged my water.

"Well you know your good and I have this dance I'm supposed to be teaching but I need someone to help me practice the whole dance, would you mind?" He asked

"No not at all." I Said smiling

"I'm going to record us so I can't look back on what I need to fix." Carter said setting up his phone. I nodded


"That was so amazing!" Carter said panting.

"It really was! Thank you so much that got a lot off my chest." I Said wiping my face with a towel.

"And if it's okay, could you not post that anywhere. I don't want it to get out and know assume." I Said opening my water.

"Yeah, no worries." He Said.

To be honest, I didn't care who seen it but I know if Nick did he would flip out and I don't to get into a bigger fight.

"So practice Tomorrow?" Carter asked.

"Yes! Bye!" I Said grabbing my bag and walking out the door.

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