Chapter 6: Un prepared

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I woke up in a really good mood but also in a sad mood. I was happy because my job was working out so well and I loved hanging out with the boys and helping them with there music, but I'm sad because Liam can't come to L.A and I really miss him.

I got up and got ready and the boys texted me to go to there house to hang out since they didn't have to go to the studio today. I asked Albert for a ride and he took me.

I texted the guys telling them I'm outside. I seen the door opened and seen Edwin.

"Vanessa!" Edwin yelled bringing me in for a hug

"Hey Ed!" I Said hugging him back. He opened the door wider to let me in. I walked in and was Shouted with hellos, Hi"s.

"What you guys up to?" I asked sitting on the arm rest of the couch

"Nun much just chillin." Brandon Said staring at his phone

"Yea, since your dad said we didn't need to go to the studio today we decided to have a chill day." Zion added

"Mmh sounds fun." I Said in sarcasm. I then see Nick walked down the stairs.

"Oh hey nessa. I didn't know you were coming over?" Nick Said looking up from his phone.

"That weird because y'all invited me." I laughed

"Wait? Did you just call her nessa?" Austin pointed out

"Um yeah? And?" Nick said with attitude

"Mmh nothin..." Austin said as he looked at all the boys and they all smirked together. I just rolled my eyes.

"Well ima be outside playin basketball because I'm actually good unlike y'all." I teased. I'm not actually good at basketball at all, I just said that so they would ply with me.

"Psshh Okay sure." Nick Said sitting next to me on the couch.

"I am." I Said confident

"Vanessa, you know I would cross you up so don't play." Zion said laughing

" Wanna bet?" I Said walking in front of him and squatting down to be face to face with Zion.

"OKAY SHOOT! LETS GO!" Zion yelled jumping up and exiting the door as I followed.

"Wait I need to see this." Brandon said running out they door

"Yea me to." Edwin Said leaving.

"Me four." Austin ran

"Well I guess me five... Wait I actually talking to my self right now." Nick Said to himself as he ran out the door.

30 min later

" okay maybe I'm a little rusty." I Said out of breath

"Or you just can't play."  Nick mentioned. I looked at him and gave him a "go fuck your self" smile. I took a brake and drank some water while watched the boys all play a game or two.

"Okay ima he's out, big day tomorrow." I Said to the boys

"Why?" Edwin asked

"Um you guys perform at the Nokia Theatre tomorrow night." I reminded them.

Ooohhhh.... yeaaaa." The boys all said.

"Guys! It's one of the biggest theaters in L.A and you forgot about it!" I yelled

"Well we have a lot on us right now." Brandon Said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well fittings are in the morning at 7:00am so y'all better be up." I Said

"Fittings?" Zion questioned

"Omg! You guys are not prepared! Your outfits! You guys have to get your outfits fitted !"  I yelled but laughed at how dumb they were. The boys all laughed.

"I'm leaving." I Said giving up on them

"Bye Vanessa!" They boys all yelled. I just kept walking and stuck up my middle finger.

20 min. Later

I got home and walked through they front door.

"Hey sweetie!" My dad Said from the living room.

"Hey dad." I Said sitting down next to him.

"How were the boys." He asked

"Un prepared." I Said rolling my eyes.

"Let me guess they forgot about tomorrow." He said pulling out his phone.

"Yep." I Said patting him on the chest and heading upstairs.

"I need to take a relaxing bath." I said complaining.
I got into my room and went into my bathroom and ran the bath. I went into my clothes and grabbed my silk robe and my pjs. I grabbed a candle and a book and also my phone and locked the bathroom door behind me.

I turned off the water and put a lot of bubble in it and got in.

"Ahhh." I Moaned, feeling the nice hot water touch my skin. I got fully in and closed my eyes for about 5 min. Until I got a FaceTime call from Nick.

Nicholas😝...wants to FaceTime

Nick:" hey nes—whoa whoa!"

Vanessa:" What?"

Nick: "you didn't have to answer if your in the bath!"

Vanessa: " for one I have bubble covering me and for two it's not like you don't know what girls look like underneath."

Nick:" true true."

Vanessa: "So what's up?"

Nick: " the boys wanted me to call and ask if we are getting picked up or we have to get to the fitting on our own."

Vanessa: " oh yea, Albert will pick you guys up at 6:50 ish

Nick: " sweet. Okay have fun...bathing?"

Vanessa: "Hahah I will."


After my bath I rinsed off in the shower and washed my hair. I got out did my skincare and a face mask. I spent a lot of time on my skincare because tomorrow there is going to be a lot of cameras in my face.

I got dressed and got into my bed and scrolled through social media until fell asleep.

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