chapter 17: Check-up

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Where am I. Why is everything black. Hello? I'm consumed. Why can't I open my eyes. Wait , who's crying? Nick?

"Edwin, what if she doesn't wake up. What if we lose her." Nick cried. I slowly opened my eyes and I seen tubes all over my body. I looked up and seen Nick hugging Edwin.

"N-ick?" I Said weakly.

"Oh my gosh! Vanessa! Edwin go tell the nurse she's awake." Nick yelled.

"Baby, I thought I was ganna lose you." Nick cried hugging me lightly.

"Wait what what happened?" I questioned.

"You don't remember?" Nick questioned. I tried to remember. Oh. my. God.

"Carter dropped my off the balcony." I Said staring off in space, trying to process how real this was.

"But baby, your okay now. You broke ur leg and arm and have a horrible concussion." Nick Said rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"Why would be do that." I cried, now feeling the pain.

"Nessa nessa, don't cry please. Your okay, your here, with me. Your dad and the boys are out there. I'll let them know your awake." Nick Said calmly as he kissed my forehead and walked out the room.

The boys came in and talked with me and my dad and I had a very sad but good conversation. The nurse said I have to stay here for one more day just
To make sure everything is all good.

3 days later...

The boys had to leave yesterday to get back to tour but I've been at home resting. I still tried to process everything that happened. Carter got charged and is now going through trail. I have been in my bed watching movies and drinking smoothies for these past 2 days because since Carter was holding my by my neck it cause some damage so it hurts to talk and eat.

2 months later...

"You really tryna make me play basketball when I have a cast on my car and leg!" I laughed as I through the ball at Zion

"Yeah ! Duh!" Zion said jokingly. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I walked in the house and sat down. I get tired walking easily because how my injury's but I'm getting way better.

"Hey baby." Nick said coming up to me and kissing me.

"I love being public with us!" I Said smiling.

"I know. I get to show you off!" Nick Said looking me up and down.

"Yeah so off your hot girlfriend with 2 broken bones." I Said laughing.

"Your beautiful no matter what." Nick said peaking my lips. I blushed at his comment.

6 Months later...
Nick and I have been doing so well and everything just seemed perfect. I got my casts off last month and my body is back to normal.

"Nick! I have to go to the doctors for a check up on everything! Can you take me?" I Shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yea! Hold up babe!" He yelled. I grabbed my things and we headed to the doctors. We got there, checked in and the doctor took me in right away.

"Vanessa, it's nice seeing you looking way better, no casts." The doctor said smiling and looking at me.

"Yeah, I fell like myself again." I smiled back

"Okay, I'm just going to runs a couple test, so I'll need you to pee in this cup." The doctor handed me the cup as I got up and went to the bathroom.

20min later...

"Okay, I just got some test and everything seems to be really good and back to normal but there is one thing and showed up." The doctor said taking off her reading glasses.

Nick and I looked at each other confused.

"You are pregnant." She said. My eyes shot open.

"Wait I'm-" I Said shocked.

"Pregnant!" Nick Said as he finished my sentence and a smile formed on his face.

"H-how far am I?" I asked looking at nick so confused but happy.

"Only about 3 weeks." She said.

After appointment

"I can't believe I'm pregnant." I Said as nick and I got into the car.

" I'm going to be a dad!" Nick Said I'm excitement. It was so cute to see Nick this happy.

"How are we ganna do this?" I Said getting a bit scared.

"Baby! We will figure it out. But I just want you to know that I love you so much. And you and this baby will be my first priority." Nick Said putting his hand on my stomach and around my neck as he leaned in and kissed me.

"I love you so much." I Said kissing him back

                                  The End

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