Chapter 12: No one has to know

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"So what are you doing here anyways?" Nick asked a she ran back up to me. I liked at him confused.

"To workout? Duh." I Said laughing at him.

"Wait you came to that." Nick Said looking me up and down.

"Nick it's just spandex and a sports bra." I Chuckled.

"Okay but you know how many guys are staring at you right now." He Said putting his hoodie over me.

"Nick, you aren't my boyfriend. Why do you care." I Said stopping as I took off his hoodie. He just looked at me.

"Exactly." I Said as we continued to walk.

"What are you doing today." He ask as we walked out the gym. I then remember about the surprise party.

"Oh um just have some work to catch up on so I won't be able to hang out today." I Said biting the insides of my cheeks.

"What about after? You can stop by the house and we could like chill in the backyard." He offered

"NO! I-I I mean no thanks, I gotta go, Okay." I Said as I put in my headphone and jogged back to my house. I got to my house and took a deep breath of relief.

"That was a close one." I Said leaning up against the door.

"Vanessa! Just the girl I wanted to see." My dad said signaling me into the kitchen.

"What's up?" I asked.

How does the yard look?" I opened the sliding door and stepped outside.

How does the yard look?" I opened the sliding door and stepped outside

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"Wow! Dad it looks so good!" I Said looking around.

"Great!" He Said.

"Did you do this yourself?" I asked.

"Well um no, I hired someone but I had so much work so I couldn't." He explained. I smiled and patted him in the back.

"I told the boys to be here at 6 and everyone else 5 so sweetie, I know how long you and Thèa take to get ready so please if you have to get ready now." My dad tried to say in the nicest possible way.

"Of course." I Said smiling and rolling my eyes at him. I headed upstairs and called Thèa to come over so we can get ready.

2 hours later

"So you met this hot light skinned and Nick got pushed." Thèa said recapping what I told her

"Yeah? It was weird he like wasn't pissed but seemed a bit angry.

"Why can you to just date already?" She said putting her earrings in.

"Don't start Thèa. Liam and I just broke up and My dad would kill me if he found out I was dating one of the boys. So no. Im not making that mistake." I explained as I went into the bathroom to change.

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