Chapter 11: Workouts

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We all headed back to the boys house after the carnival to hang out. As we all got out the car and walked inside, Nick pullled my arm so I couldn't enter the house.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asked as everyone else walked into the house. I knew exactly what he was ganna mention

"Um yea." I Said as the door closed in front of us.

"So, I just wanted to apologize...for a trying to kiss you. I really didn't mean to put myself on you like that, I just thought it was a g-" nick ranted.

"Nick. Nick..." I said interrupting him. He stopped talking and looked at me.

"It's okay, I get it." I Said smiling at him. I could see a smile form on his face.

"Okay good!" He said as he walked in the house. I just stood outside for a couple minutes, trying to think about everything.

"Do I actually have feelings for him? No. No! I can't! So just stop!" I Said to myself out loud.

"Have feels for who?" Brandon Said as he said through the open window. I froze and my eyes went big.

"What? What you mean? I didn't say that?" I replied trying to cover it up. Brandon just looked at me with a curiously face. I got up and walked into the house.

" who tryna hop on fortnite?" Zion said looking at everyone. Me and Thèa just laughed because no one responded.

"Fine, I'll play." Nick Said walking up to his room.

"Wanna come watch?" Zion asked me and Thèa.

"Uh yea sure." I Said as we followed them up the stairs. Thèa and I went into Zion's room, while nick went into his. Thèa and I were just on our phone while Zion was screaming at Nick through the mic. I got up and headed to Nicks room.

"Knock knock." I Said as I entered his room.

"Nessa! Hey!" He said looking at me with a big smile.

"Sorry, I had to come in here, I can't stand zions screaming." I Said plotting myself on his bed next to him.

"Ahh I thought you just wanted to see me." Nick Said  with a pouty face.

"Shut up." I Said nudging him and laughing. We both just layed in his bed and watched him play as I was on snapchat. I played around with a couple filters and made Nick take some pictures with me.

"Omg! Your a little baby!" I Said as I put the baby filter on him and cracked up.

"Ewwww!" He laughed. I smiled at his loud laugh.

"Okay, I think I should get going." I Said slowly getting up.

"Yea, Okay I'll see you tomorrow?" Nick asked

"Yea, bye nick." I said as I left his room and went to Zion's to get Thèa.

"Come on girl!" I Said peaking through the door.

"K, bye Z!" She said.

I dropped off Thèa and went home. I opened my front door and seen my dad watching tv.

"Hey pops!" I Said plotting my self on the couch.

"Vanessa!! I have amazing news!" My dad yelled. I smiled at his happy face.

"What!" I Said getting excited.

"Okay, but you can't tell the boys." My dad Said standing up from the couch and turning off the Tv.

"Deal." I Said sitting more comfortably on the couch.

"So I just got off the phone with the boys manger and stuff and They are going on tour next month!" My dad said

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