Chapter 7: Big Night

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Nicks POV
" GUYS WAKE UP! ALBERT IS GOING TO BE HERE ANY MINUTE!" I yelled running into all the boys rooms.

"Ughhh!" Zion complained walking out his room like a zombie.

"Why you rushing us!" Edwin asked as he's eating a bowl of cereal

"Because Vanessa said to not be late and it's a big day for us." I explained

"Oh yea we can't disappoint vanessa!" Edwin Said in sarcasm

"Edwin it's to early to start with me." I Said rolling my eyes at his comment

"Bro why don't you just tell her you have feelings for her." Austin spoke.

"Because I DONT!" I Said getting mad.

"Damn chill bro." Zion said padding him on the back. All the boys piled into the car.

Vanessa's POV

"Wow you boys are on time!" I Said clapping as they
walked in half asleep.

"Yeah Yeah yeah." Edwin Said rubbing his eyes.

"Okay so Nick and Zion are going to go first." I Said pulling their arms and giving them to the stylist.

2 hours later

"Okay now that everyone got there outfits , go home and rest your voice and please be ready. Guys this is one of your biggest shows." I Said looking at all them with a smile.

"Thanks Vanessa, for doing this for all of us." Nick Said smiling back

"It's what I'm here for." I Said biting my lip and leaving the room.

5:30 PM

"Thèa! Let me see what your wearing!" I Said banging on my bathroom door.

"Hold up girl!" She yelled from inside the bathroom.
After a couple of minutes she finally came out.

"Omg!! It's so cute!" I Said hyping her up.

Thèas outfit

" thanks girl! It better be cute because I spent way to much money on it

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" thanks girl! It better be cute because I spent way to much money on it." Thèa Said laughing as she went to put on her jewelry.

"Okay ima go Change into my dress." I Said grabbing my dress and locked the door behind me. I got into my dress and curled my hair and did a natural face of makeup

Vanessa's outfit

Vanessa's outfit

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"Shit. I love this dress!" I Said walking out and looking at my self in the body mirror.


"Girl If you think I got curves, you should see my mom." I Said laughing as I put on my earrings. We finished up or makeup and little touches and headed downstairs.

"Dad were ready!" I yelled from the front door.

"Okay, um hold on." My dad said rushing into the living room as he struggled to do his tie. I could see how nervous he was.

" everything is going to be great. You formed an amazing band." I Said helping him do his tie and trying to calm him down.

"ALBERT! WE ARE READY TO GO!" My dad yelled as I could see a smile appear on his face. We got into the car and drove to the venue.

30 min. Later...

My dad, Thèa and I headed towards the backstage and seen the boys getting ready. I seen Brandon putting on multiple chains and seen Austin playing on his phone. I then looked over at Edwin who was taking a picture of his fit and then I seen Nick. He had the microphone in his hand as he was playing with it nervously as he paced back and forth.

I walked over to him and touched his hand so he could relax.

"Hey? What's wrong?" I asked trying to make eye contact with him.

"I-I'm really nervous, I don't know why, I sing in front of thousands of girls but I think since I had to write my own verse and I don't think it's good enough now." Nick ranted

"Hey hey hey... it is amazing! You will do great nick. You always do." I Said taking both of his hands and looking him in the eyes.

"Vanessa I gotta tell you someth-" nick said but got cut off my Brandon

"Yo! We on in 5!" Brandon Shouted making me let go of nicks hands and stood back a bit.

"You can tell me later, I gotta go find my dad." I Said walking away to find Thèa.

"Great." Nick said under his breath.

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