Chapter Two

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I sat in my AP Calculus class, somewhat shaky from my interaction in the hall, it was third period and I had already pissed off every popular kid out there and almost killed one of them. Fantastic. This whole blending in thing was working splendidly. I sighed as the bell rang, time for lunch, the time when cliques formed, gossip was spread, and with my luck, food dumped over my head.

Shoving notebooks and pens into my bag I stood, people still whispered and looked at me wearily. I rolled my eyes. Seriously people? Get a grip. I sauntered out of the class, sending a haunting glare at anyone who looked my way. I was already making a name for myself, people were already starting to part like the red sea in my presence. Shouldering my bag I headed to the cafeteria, I knew my way around this school with my eyes closed.

"You don't seem to need help getting from one place to another." Emelia stated cooly, suddenly beside me. I nodded at her.

"Yeah they gave tours for me when I applied here." I said, lying easily. She nodded, her brow furrowing, not totally believing me. I knew there was a reason I dated this girl, she was smart. Smarter than people gave her credit for. She realized I wasn't going to ask her name like a normal person and took it upon herself to introduce herself.

"My name's Emelia." She said looking into my eyes, a look of confusion passing over her features.

"Crow." I stated simply, looking away from her quickly. My eyes were the telling factor. Having eyes the color of topaz was exotic and also, extremely rare. If she remembered Dawson's eye color, she'd connect the dots pretty quickly. I sighed. This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Sit with me at lunch." She demanded, not really asking. I looked over at her petite frame, nodding silently. Who else was I going to sit with? We headed into lunch together, chatting mindlessly about classes and teacher's as we waited to be served in the lunch line. Chicken patties. How generic. I grimaced. Suddenly Emelia's chatter stopped and I looked over at her to find her looking down at her feet as two girls stood behind us in the lunch line.

"Oh look, two freaks together. How cute." The girl with dull green eyes and auburn hair said, leering at us. I sighed.

"What's wrong Emelia? I thought we were friends." The brunette joined in. I clucked my tongue in annoyance. If Emelia didn't stand up to these girls I was going to have to. To my surprise Emelia fixed her gaze on the brunette and said in a steely voice, "Nora, we stopped being "friends" the moment I realized you cared more about your image than being a decent human being." I let out a couging laugh. Emelia had some fire in her.

I pulled Emelia by the hand, away from Nora and the other girl, to get our lunch. Then I realized that was Nora as in, Nora, Emelia's best friend. The other girl I didn't recognize, she must've climbed the social ladder as soon as Emelia fell. I pinched the bridge of my nose. I can't believe I ever ruled over such a corrupt group. As we grabbed our lunch Emelia led the way silently to an empty table, fortunately it was away from everyone, unfortunately it was in clear sights of the high and mighty students that ruled the school. I sneered in disgust, almost wanting to spit at them. The gleam returned to my eye and my vision was slowly bleeding to red. When I felt a hand on my arm, I quickly snapped my eyes open and closed, clearing the fury from my mind.

"You okay?" She asked meekly. I nodded and smirked at her.

"What about you? Those girls seem to have quite a grudge against you." I said, leading the conversation away from myself. She snorted.

"Believe it or not, I used to be best friends with Nora and Hannah." She said sarcastically, a wry smile on her pixie like face. I raised an eyebrow as if surprised.

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