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[Cher] T where are you?

[T.T] Sorry, sorry I fell asleep I'm omw

[Cher] You better fucking be

[T.T] Yeah, yeah I'm coming
[T.T] Hey, Cher I know I'm running behind even more now but I promise you won't be mad... BECAUSE I GOT POP'S!!!

[Cher] REALLY?! Because I am not really in the mood to fuck around. And it's cold out here.

[T.T] You know what, never mind I'm right around the corner. I'm coming.

[Cher] Sorry and thank you xx

[T.T] xx
Reality- at the school
Toni squealed around the corner on her bike and pulled into the school's parking lot. She scanned the scene for Cheryl's bright red hair, she spotted her at the entrance, she could've seen her shivering from a mile away. She got of her bike and ran up to the front doors, when she reached the redhead she took her jacket off and wrapped it around her best friend's shoulders.

"Cher you're freezing" Toni pointed out, rubbing her shoulders.

"Y-yeah I ne-ever w-would've guessed-d" Cheryl remarked back.

"Okay, smartass. Why are you out here though?" The serpent asked, sternly.

"They closed the school early today, something about the janitor had an emergency and had to leave so he had to lock the school too." The redhead replied.

"And you got stuck out here in the freezing cold?" Toni said shaking her head. "That's fucked" She finished.

"Yeah it is but can we leave now? Also can I stay at your's tonight?" She was frozen by now.

"Oh shit, yeah. And of course you haven't stayed the night in like 2 days" Toni replied, quickly dragging Cheryl to her bike. They mounted the bike, Cheryl wrapped her arms around Toni's waist and leant her head on the serpents bare shoulder, causing Toni to shudder from the coldness of Cheryl's chin. Toni backed her bike out of the parking space and sped off down the road, Toni's house was far away so she drove them to Pop's to try to avoid the cold.

"Don't forget I picked up some pop's before I came to get you anyway, so I guess we can just eat it here, at pop's." The pink-haired girl smiled and unpacked the pop's from earlier.

"Good I'm hungry. Also why did we come here? It's only going to get colder." Cheryl asked eating a burger.

"Oooh, you know what I didn't think about that." Toni said laughing Cheryl soon joined. "Well eat up and we'll head off soon" She said shoving a handful of fries into her mouth.

"Okay, also do you want your jacket back yet?" Cheryl said looking up from her phone.

"No, don't worry about it, you've suffered enough for one day" Toni said placing a cold hand over one of Cheryl's somewhat warm hands. The girls sat and ate their food while laughing and talking. When they were finished they said goodbye to Pop Tate and stood in front of the door staring out towards the freezing cold. Cheryl slipped her hand into Toni's and Toni looked up at Cheryl as they gripped each other's hands and burst through the door, out to Toni's bike. They jumped on and once again sped off down the road.

Toni pulled up to her house and parked her bike in the driveway, she helped Cheryl off the bike and headed inside. They passed Toni's mom as they were heading upstairs,

"Are you two together yet?" Toni's mom joked, messing up Cheryl's hair.

"MOM?!" Toni yelled, blushing. Cheryl didn't seem to notice.

"It's good to see you too, Amy" Cheryl said laughing at her joke and fixing her hair. Toni, however didn't find it all that funny. She reached for her friend's hand and dragged her away to her room. Cheryl got comfortable on Toni's bed as Toni tried to find some pj's for Cheryl. 

"Sorry about my mom, AGAIN" Toni said bending down to look in a drawer. Cheryl was staring at Toni's ass, "Hey Earth to Cheryl!" Toni said waving her hand in front of Cheryl.

"Huh? Oh that's fine I'm used to it as you could imagine" Cheryl said turning her head the quickest she ever had before.

"Cheryl what were you staring at?" She asked suspiciously

"Oh that hat over there, I haven't seen that one before is it new?" She lied.

"No, I've had that hat for a while, in fact I'm fairly certain you brought it for me." She said throwing her best friend a pair of pyjamas to put on.

"Oh okay never mind then" She said, picking up the clothes Toni had thrown at her and changing in front of her. This time it was Toni who was staring, she caught herself before Cheryl did and turned her head to look at the ground. Toni got changed too and then got comfortable on her bed, as did Cheryl.

                          Game Of Phones

[Gay K] What's up fuckers!

[Blossom Butt] Why do you have my phone?!

[Antoinette] Fuck you, that's why!

[Gay K] Ahh I love when you guys play along, so what's actually happening?

[Antoinette] Well my mom embarrassed me again, so that's great.

[Blossom Butt] It wasn't that bad T.T, It was a harmless joke.

[Gay K] What was the joke?

[Antoinette] Well it makes me uncomfortable

[Blossom Butt] T calm down, just talk to me about it.

[Gay K] What was the joke.

[Antoinette] No, I refuse

[Blossom Butt] Remember what we said about you opening up more?

[Gay K] Oh for the love of God WHAT WAS THE JOKE!1!1!1

[Blossom Butt] OH FOR HEAVENS SAKE KEVIN. Her mom just asked if we were dating yet, again.

[Gay K] Oh, so she's on my side, and she too ships the two of you?

[Antoinette] I will snap you in half Kevin!

[Gay K] Suddenly I have to leave... *Exits*
Reality- at Toni's house
"T put the phone down, and talk to me" Cheryl said placing a finger under Toni's chin and lifting it so their faces met.

"Can we please just, move on?" Toni said pulling her head back down to her phone.

"Sure..." Cheryl said laying back, she had a pout on her face. Toni turned around to look at Cheryl and saw the pout,

"I'm sorry I just don't wanna talk about it" She said laying back onto Cheryl, now it was her who had a pout on her face. She lay with her head on her best friend's stomach for the rest of the afternoon until they got called for dinner. Toni didn't exactly want to eat her dinner with her mom making jokes left, right and centre, but she sucked it up and dealt with it.

A/N: What's up fuckers. So hi! I'm loopy and I started writing this chapter at 12am and literally didn't finish until about 2am and I'm gonna go write another chapter so y'all get fed.

Kisses to all, bye now 💋

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