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Toni tried to leave so Cheryl could get a peaceful nights sleep but if she really wanted Cheryl to get some sleep she should've just stayed where she was...

Toni was creeping across the room to the door when she heard a loud gasp. She whipped her head around almost instantly, only to find a horrified Cheryl sitting up in bed, crying her eyes out, clutching her throat and breathing very heavily. Toni immediately ran back towards the girl, jumping onto the bed. She pulled Cheryl onto her lap and rocked her back an forth, while stroking her hair. Cheryl clung to Toni like her life depended on it.

Ten minutes had passed by and Cheryl was still quite upset, she was still crying and holding onto Toni. Toni, at this point, still had no idea what had happened, she was just going along with it until Cheryl was calm enough to talk about it.

"Hey, you wanna tell me what happened?" Toni asked Cheryl, running her hands up and down her back. She felt a gentle nod against her shoulder before the redhead spoke softly.

"I had a nightmare" Her words slightly muzzled by Toni's revealing skin.

"What happened in it?" The pink-haired girl asked, pulling Cheryl's body away from hers so she could properly hear her response this time.

"W-we were taking a hike, you know as couples do, and it was a sweet dream until you got out of bed, that's when it turned to shit. When we got to the lookout point, you told me you never liked me, as a friend, or as a girlfriend, and then y-you pushed me off the cliff, then that's when I woke up" Cheryl explained.

"Babe, it was just a bad dream, of course I like you, as a friend and as a girlfriend. Babe, I-I love you" Toni told the redhead. Cheryl looked up at Toni with glistened eyes. She couldn't believe what she was hearing... Toni loved her.

"Y-you love me?" Cheryl asked, wiping the tears from her face.

"Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, I Love You" Toni said cupping Cheryl's face with her hands and staring into her eyes.

"I love you too, Antoinette Topaz" Cheryl said planting a soft but long kiss on Toni's lips. It took Toni a bit by surprise but she calmed into it, kissing Cheryl back. When they came up for air Toni reached over to her bedside table and checked the time on her phone.


"Okay, babe I know this is supposed to be a cute moment, but it's almost 3am and I need sleep if you want me to have enough energy to socialise with you tomorrow. Are we okay to try and sleep now?" Toni asked as she returned to her previous position on the bed. Cheryl nodded, signalling for Toni to lay down with open arms. When Toni was comfortable, Cheryl sunk into her embrace and they both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
Cheryl woke up to an empty space beside her, she thought maybe Toni went back downstairs after she fell asleep again. Cheryl stretched quickly before getting up out of bed and going to look for Toni. She headed down the stairs and into the living room, she scanned the scene but she couldn't see Toni anywhere so she headed over into the kitchen. When she turned the corner she saw a messy-haired Toni staring out a window with her cup of coffee.

Cheryl crept over and leant her back on the edge of the island, watching in awe. She was mesmerised by the vision of beauty sitting before her. Cheryl pushed herself off of the island and onto Toni, she wrapped her arms around Toni's shoulders and bent down to kiss her neck softly a few times. Toni reached up and rubbed Cheryl's arm, grabbing her hand and directing her around the chair until she stood in front of it, facing Toni.

She climbed into Toni's lap and wrapped her arms around her waist, she leant her head on Toni's shoulder and took a sip of her coffee. They sat staring out the window, out into the early morning fog that hovered above the garden. They listened as the birds awoke and filled the air with song, and they watched as the morning dew melted on the very fine blades of grass. They were completely mesmerised by the scene. However they were soon interrupted.

"Oh, good morning you two!" Toni's mom, Amy said as she came down the stairs and into the kitchen. The girls swivelled their heads towards Amy.

"Good morning" They said in unison.

"I'm about to make some bacon and eggs, would you girls care for some breakfast?" Amy asked looking in the fridge for the eggs.

"I could go for some bacon" Toni said, leaning over and placing her coffee mug on the counter.

"Yes please" Cheryl said sweetly. Amy nodded and got to work with the breakfast while the girls turned their attention back to the nature outside the window. Cheryl laughed when Toni pointed out a bird fluttering about in the bird bath. After what felt like hours of watching the nature, the girls decided to go and get showered and dressed for the day. They ran upstairs and into the shower, they took a shower together to save time so that their breakfast wouldn't get too cold.

They raced down the stairs and into the kitchen, Cheryl was flogging Toni in the race (yes a real race) but just before Cheryl reached the doorway to the kitchen, Toni came sliding past her in her socks.

"Haha" Toni snickered to Cheryl as she passed through the doorframe. Just as Toni said that though, she started to slip on the timber flooring, Cheryl reached out and caught her before she could hit her head on the floor. They giggled as Cheryl tumbled over Toni and onto the floor with her.

"How'd that work for you princess?" Cheryl smirked as she got up and strode past Toni and towards the wonderful breakfast Amy had cooked up. Toni devoured her plate of breakfast before Cheryl could even finish two eggs, Toni licked her plate clean and turned to Cheryl for a face check. Cheryl giggled and leaned towards Toni, wiping the egg yolk from her cheek, she got it all off and planted a kiss on Toni's cheek, as she continued to finish her breakfast.

A/N: thanks for 1k reads it means a lot.

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