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A week had passed by and the two girls still hadn't made amends. They refused to talk to each other let alone look at each other. They were sat in Thursday afternoon's bio, Toni sat 3rd from the left in the 2nd row, Cheryl directly behind her. Most of the lessons they had together that week were fortunately went alright, aside from Cheryl constantly trying to get her best friend back. This lesson however, was extremely unfortunate in the girls' corner.

The teacher gave the students a project, pairs were compulsory and of course the teacher gave Cheryl and Toni partnership of this particular project,

"Your partners for this project are; Betty and Veronica, Archie and Reggie, Cheryl and Antoinette..." The teacher trailed off. Both girls shocked to the core to hear their names called out together, Cheryl lifted her head from the picture she was doodling and looked directly at Toni. Toni whipped around in her seat to see Cheryl's reaction, unlike Toni, Cheryl had a soft smile on her face. When Toni was met with the expression on Cheryl's face, she shot a look of disgust towards Cheryl.

"Guess we're partners then. Maybe I'll let you explain what was going on in your head while we work" Cheryl said leaning over the desk, whispering, careful not to alert the class about their 'situation'. Cheryl smiled to herself, knowing how easily riled up her 'friend' could get. Toni however, responded differently to how Cheryl thought, shocking her in the process.

"Me? Explain? Always my fault, huh?" She sat seeing Cheryl nodding in agreement.

"Well you did start this whole fight" Cheryl explained, still whispering and leaning over the desk. Cheryl expected her to come back with a snarky remark. Instead Toni, who by now, was riled up and full to the brim with rage, slammed her hands over the desk, pushing herself up on her hands startling the whole classroom. She kicked her chair out from under her, reaching down and grabbing her bag, she swung it over her shoulder and on her way around the front of her desk, grabbed her books violently and stormed out, loudly slamming the door behind her.

Toni had no clue where to go. There were people in the common room, the cafeteria, hell there were even people in the library. After contemplating where to go, she decided she was too tired for this and leant her exhausted body on the wall of the classroom she had just stormed out of, sliding down the wall until she was positioned on the floor with her back to the wall, pulling her knees to her chest. She was too emotionally unbalanced for this and let herself loose control. She started feeling her heart beat in her ears, tears flooding their way down her cheeks, her whole body shaking and her breathing getting heavy and shaky.

Veronica had heard a snippet of the girls' conversation and followed the pink-haired girl out of the classroom, shooting around the corner Veronica almost missed Toni sitting there on the floor in a state of panic, she immediately dropped to the floor in front of her friend. She put her arms out for Toni to move into, Toni threw her shaky arms out, her eyes widening and her breathing getting heavier. She threw her arms out in an attempt to grip onto Veronica, once she got a hold of her friend she pulled herself into a hug and let her eyes leak onto Veronica's sweater.

Once Toni's heavy breathing had subsided she fell out of Veronica's grasp. She was still shaking but not as much as before, her heart was still pounding just as hard as before if not, harder. By now her eyes were glossed over from the inklings of tears left in her eyes. Under her eyes, a light shade of red showed and they were puffy, her cheeks housed tracks of dried tears and wet mascara. She leant back against the wall that was previously supporting her tired weight, letting out a deep sigh.

"Are you okay to talk now" Veronica asked holding one of her shaking hands between her perfectly still hands. Toni nodded and tilted her head towards the ceiling slightly. "Okay, what happened back there?" She brushed a strand of loose hair out of Toni's face.

"C-Cheryl, and I-" Toni started until Veronica cut her off.

"Hey, it's okay. Just calm down and take your time. Although these halls will be crawling with students in minutes." She said, glancing at a clock. "Do you want to go to the common room?" She asked lightly, standing up and holding out her hand for Toni to grab. Toni reached her hand out weakly, for Veronica to help her up. Veronica held Toni's hand in hers on their way into the common room.

They sat facing one another on the sofa that sat to the front of the common room. Toni looked at Veronica and nodded before saying, "Cheryl and I had a fight, and she's trying to put all the blame on me"

"What was the fight? if you don't mind me asking?" the raven-haired girl shifted closer to Toni waiting for an answer.

"Cheryl was staying at mine on Friday and when I finished my shower that night, she wasn't in my room anymore." Toni started, "I asked my little sister if she'd seen her and she said she was in my brothers room, I walked into his room and there she was just straddling him and making out with him" She took a pause and regained breath, "I stormed off and she left. later that night she came back, at 3am and locked every exit so I couldn't leave and then after a tiny discussion we had, she asked why I was still so mad if it wasn't just because he was my brother. Then I told her it was because I liked her, more than a frien-" she was cut off by veronica

"And she didn't feel the same way?" She asked sympathetically.

"Well I don't know, I didn't exactly tell her, more like an open window that she had climbed out of before I could tell her" Toni finished just as the bell rang, signalling for lunch. Her and Veronica waited for their friends to get to the common room, seeing as they were already there, they claimed the sofa and two armchairs that sat in the room, shooing away anyone who tried to sit there.

A/N: there's still a lot for this chapter buut it would be a loooong chapter of I wrote it all so this is kind of a part 1 of this chapter and tomorrow i'll just pick up exactly where I left off today.

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