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Toni and Cheryl sat in their usual booth, up the back of pops. They sat lip-locked all night, they barley touched their food. Toni had her lips on Cheryl's when she felt a gentle touch on her shoulder,

"When did this happen?" Betty Cooper asked smiling and then sitting across from them.

"Um, today" Toni answered, wiping her wet lips. Betty 'awed' and smiled, the three girls sat in the booth and talked for a while. Betty was about to leave when they heard the clacking of some oh so familiar high heels. Veronica stood tall above the three girls, looking down to Toni who had recently detached herself from Cheryl's side.

"Hey, T.T are you ready for our date?" She asked extending her arm, reaching for Toni's hand.

"Excuse me?!" Cheryl said raising her voice at Toni and Veronica, sharply shifting her gaze between the both of them.

"Yeah, I asked Toni out on a date because clearly you're too self-absorbed to, I mean you have to have known that she likes you, oh wait no you probably just didn't care. Come on Toni" Veronica spat back at Cheryl, grabbing Toni's hand and tugging her up, out of the booth.

"What the fuck did you just say bitch?!" Cheryl said, now raising the attention of everyone in the diner.

"You heard me, bitch" Veronica shouted back.

"Do you want to take this outside?" Cheryl said climbing out of the booth and into Veronica's face.

"Let's go Bombshell" Veronica said squaring up to Cheryl. Cheryl started pushing Veronica's shoulders causing her to move closer towards the doors of the restaurant. Veronica tried to fight back, knowing full well that Cheryl was most definitely stronger. Once both girls were outside Cheryl starting pounding into Veronica's face.

"Stop! Cheryl please, just stop!" Toni and Betty yelled from the sidelines, along with everyone else that was previously in the diner. Toni and Betty were trying to pry Cheryl and Veronica off of each other. Betty had successfully secured her cousin to one end of the parking lot, Toni had Veronica at the other end, she wasn't holding back, Toni screamed at Veronica for starting a fight with Cheryl and for potentially ruining the relationship between her and Cheryl.

Betty had settled Cheryl within a half hour, Toni on the other hand still had to deal with Veronica trying to start another fight with the redheaded girl. Toni asked Betty to swap with her because she couldn't get Veronica to calm down. Toni headed over to Cheryl to talk to her.

"Hey, you don't actually think I was going to go on a date with her right?" Toni asked Cheryl, as she leant next to her on the hood of her car.

"ugh I don't know Toni, I have a headache and I'm not in the mood I just want to get Betty and go" She said rubbing her temple.

"okay I'll get her for you" Toni said running over to Betty. "Hey Betts Cheryl said she wants to go but she said she needs to leave with you" Toni said when she reached Betty and Veronica.

"Oh shit I forgot, can you take her home with you?" Betty asked as she got Veronica In her car and sent her off.

"Um I don't know if Cheryl's up to it, why? Can't she just go home?" Toni asked looking back at Cheryl.

"She's been staying at mine with me for the last 2 weeks because she got kicked out, her and her mom got in a big fight. The only problem there is my mom wants her to go home and stop staying at our house, she can't go home though" Betty explained to Toni.

"Oh um okay I'll try, what if she doesn't want to go back to mine?"

"I don't know Toni, I'm really sorry but I have to go" Betty said getting into her car. Toni shook her head and walked back towards Cheryl, she was sitting on the hood of the car shivering and exhausted.

"Hey, good news, you're staying at mine tonight" Toni said breaking the ice between the two of them.

"What? No, Tate's home tonight" Cheryl protested shaking her head.

"He won't be home until late" Toni explained to Cheryl, adjusting herself on the hood. Cheryl sighed and followed Toni into the car. They sped off down the road, towards Toni's house. The ride home was long and silent, Cheryl stay staring out the passenger side window while Toni was focusing on the road.

When they finally reached Toni's house, Toni got out and helped Cheryl out of the car. She cringed as she heard Cheryl wince in pain. Toni and Cheryl walked inside, hand in hand, up the stairs and into Toni's bedroom. It was already late by now so Toni got Cheryl settled and into bed.

"Okay you have some water over there, you know where the bathroom is and I'll be up to check on you in about two hours, if you need anything just text me or come down to the living room" Toni explained to Cheryl as she walked out the door. Cheryl couldn't sleep at all without Toni being in the room, she held out for a while but she couldn't hold out forever.
[Cher] T.T

[T.T] You okay Cher?

[Cher] No, I can't sleep

[T.T] You have to sleep Cher, you've had a long day

[Cher] I know but I can't, can you just come up and see me?

[T.T] Sure Cher
"Hey, Cher what's up?" Toni asked knocking on the door lightly before entering.

"I can't sleep" Cheryl said sitting up in her spot.

"Why not, babe?" Toni said sitting on the side of the bed near Cheryl.

"I don't know, but can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Cheryl asked grabbing Toni's hand and playing with her fingers.

"Sure Cher" Toni smiled softly at Cheryl before climbing in next to her on the other side of the bed. Toni climbed in and sat up against the headboard, Cheryl leant her head on Toni's chest and wrapped her arms around her. It wasn't long before Cheryl fell asleep in Toni's arms, Toni tried to leave once she knew Cheryl was asleep but the minute she let go of Cheryl, she was shocked...

A/N: hi, thank you for coming this far (if you have) and thank you for all the reads and votes, it means a lot. Also dayum sorry for the cliffhanger ❤️

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