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(Now isn't Yoshi the cutest little pup)
*slight time jump*

"Cher hurry up, we're going to be late!" Toni called out from the bedroom.

"I'm coming babe, don't stress" Cheryl said as she strutted out of the bathroom. She grabbed Toni's hand and walked out into the hall, they said goodbye to Cheryl's mom and they headed to school.

Cheryl was driving quite slowly to school, that annoyed Toni because she didn't want to be late for school. Cheryl could see that something was annoying Toni so when they came to a red light she turned towards her, Toni was looking out the window with an angry expression on her face.

"T.T," The redhead started, "What's up with you?" She reached over and put a hand on her thigh. Toni slapped the hand away and turned back around. Cheryl knew this was about much more than just how slowly she was driving. It was because she 'forgot' her birthday.

"Nothing I'm fine" She muttered, still looking out the window. The light turned green and Cheryl drove off still going slowly, she sighed and turned towards Toni, still paying attention to the road.

"Well clearly you're not, you just slapped my hand away. Tell me what's wrong" Cheryl said sternly, knowing exactly what was wrong. Toni turned towards her slowly and began to speak.

"Fine, It's annoying how slowly you're driving, now we're definitely going to be late" She said turning back to the window once more. They pulled into the parking lot and Cheryl began to talk to Toni, but she was already out of the car and headed towards the doors. Cheryl reached out and grabbed Toni's arm, Toni tried to pull away but got caught in Cheryl's grasp.

"Babe, that's dumb, what's really wrong?" Cheryl asked again, pulling her closer to her. Toni was getting mad now and Cheryl could see that but she had to hold out until Friday so she didn't give in.

"Oh, me wanting an education is dumb?" Toni asked with anger in her eyes.

"Don't lie to me, Toni" Cheryl said, frustration laced through every word. Toni turned her head down and stared tearing up. She lifted her head and looked Cheryl in the eyes.

"You forgot my birthday" She said barely above a whisper. She had tears streaming down her face and she was hurt, it hurt Cheryl to see her like this but she didn't want to ruin the surprise.

"No, no I didn't, your birthday isn't for another month, Toni I have it in my calendar" Cheryl said holding her phone up in defence, Toni scoffed and began to walk off, she glanced back at Cheryl but continued walking towards the school.

                                    • • •

Cheryl walked out of her classroom and found Toni, she walked up to her and pretended like this morning didn't happen. She slipped her hand into Toni's and began walking with her.

"Hey baby, I missed you" Toni pulled her hand away from Cheryl's and stopped dead in her tracks. Cheryl turned around to Toni and started to speak but she was cut off by an angry Toni.

"Don't 'hey baby' me! did you forget what happened this morning?" Toni shouted catching the attention of the students around them. Veronica and Fangs came up to Cheryl and asked what was going on, Cheryl gave them the rundown and they caught on immediately. They stood back and let them argue.

"What do you mean exactly, nothing happened this morning, what's gotten into you?" Cheryl asked pretending to be clueless. Toni started to tear up again, she was getting angry and Cheryl could see that but she had to suck it up and continue to fight with her girlfriend.

"So you're actually telling me that you forget my birthday, then tell me that my birthday isn't for another month and now you're pretending that nothing happened!? you're unbelievable" Toni screamed through the hall and then stormed past Cheryl and out to the football field.

"Toni I didn't forget your birthday, you don't think I know my girlfriend's birthday?" Cheryl and the rest of the students watching, followed her out to the field. Toni stopped where she was and turned to Cheryl.

"YOU DONT THINK I KNOW MY OWN BIRTHDAY!?" She screamed, tears flooding her eyes and her voice laced with anger. "you know what Cheryl, maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore if you can't remember something as simple as my birthday, we're done" She said her voice breaking. Toni walked off and headed home, Cheryl on the other hand collapsed on the field with her head in her hands, crying her eyes out.

Fangs and Veronica ran up to her and sat beside her, trying their best to comfort her. Sweetpea and Betty saw Cheryl collapsed on the ground from across the field and they ran to her. Betty tried to get her to stand up and take a walk, instead she started yelling and trying to punch everyone. Sweetpea grabbed her and held her against him tightly until she calmed down.

The bell rang and all the students watching walked off to class leaving Sweetpea, Cheryl, Veronica, Betty and Fangs on the field. Sweetpea calmed Cheryl down and took her for a walk with Veronica while Fangs called Toni and ttied to get her to come back to school.

                                     • • •

"What do I do? I have to tell her about Friday or she won't forgive me" Cheryl rambled to Veronica.

"Hey, you've been planning this for ages, you can't just go and tell her and ruin the whole thing" Veronica assured.

"Yeah, but she just dumped me, am I just supposed to let that go and pretend like nothing happened until Friday? Even then she won't want to see me at that party, I probably just won't go" Cheryl said, pulling out her phone. Cheryl went to Toni's contact and started texting her.

"Um, Chery what are you doing?" Sweetpea asked looking at Toni's contact.

"Nothing, don't worry about it" She said trying to hide her phone from him. Sweetpea reached for it but she pulled it away and ran off back towards the school. Sweetpea and Veronica chased after her knowing that she was going to try and message Toni.

They reached the school but Cheryl had already gone and hidden. Sweetpea searched the outside of the school while Veronica searched the inside. Upon searching for Cheryl, Veronica had recruited Betty and Sweetpea had recruited Fangs.

Cheryl was in the gym under the bleachers and apparently no one had thought to look there, she was messaging Toni and trying to get her to text her back.

[Cher] Toni I'm so sorry please forgive me

[Cher] T.T please I love you

[Cher] look I checked and your birthday was last week I'm really sorry

[Cher] babe please, just call me or something. At least let me know you're okay

[Cher] Toni, I don't want to lose you, you're the love of my life. Please we can fix this

[T.T] Just leave me alone Cheryl, I don't care if I'm the love of your life, I don't care if you're sorry, and I don't care if you don't want to lose me. You already lost me and that's on you, don't text or call me

[Cher] Toni what the fuck
"Fuck!" Cheryl yelled, banging on the wall. Sweetpea, Veronica, Fangs and Betty heard her scream and they ran into the gym looking for her. They found her crying into her hands under the bleachers, Betty sat beside Cheryl and asked her why she was yelling, Cheryl reached out and showed her her phone.

A/N: hehe so this is shitty

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