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"Thanks for dinner, Ma" Toni said washing her plate.

"Yeah, thanks for dinner Amy" Cheryl said smiling sweetly.

"No worries girls, don't stay up too late!" Toni's mom shouted from the living room.

"It's Friday Ma! We don't have school tomorrow" Toni said dragging Cheryl back upstairs. Before they could reach her room, they got bombarded by Toni's little sister.

"Goodnight Toni" Her little sister said jumping into her arms. "Goodnight Toni's girlfriend" She giggled.

"Aw goodnight sweetie!" Cheryl said taking her from Toni and holding her.

"what have I told you, you little monster?" She said handing her over to Cheryl.

"Um, don't listen to Ma?" She said laughing.

"That's right! Now, Cheryl and I have to go. Goodnight." Toni said walking off. Cheryl put Tilly down and followed Toni. Cheryl sat on Toni's bed while Toni was having a shower. Cheryl sat in silence for a while but then she pulled her phone out and started going through Instagram. Cheryl got bored waiting for Toni to finish her shower so she went to see Toni's older brother, Tate. She knocked on Tate's door and waited for a response.

"Come in!" He yelled. Cheryl opened the door and poked her head inside.

"Hey" She said quietly.

"Oh hey, Cheryl." He said sitting up excitedly.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course." He gestured for her to come further in to his room. Cheryl closed the door behind her and walked over to his bed. She climbed onto his bed and sat with her legs crossed. "So what's up?" He asked.

"Oh, Toni's in the shower a-" Cheryl started but he cut her off.

"-And she's taking forever, which would lead to you being extremely bored." He finished for her.

"Uh yeah pretty much" She giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She was looking down at the bed for a while, when she looked up she noticed that Tate was staring at her. She blushed a little.

"What?" She asked shyly.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" He said moving closer to her. Usually she would be feeling extremely uncomfortable with something like this, but it felt normal to her and she let it happen.

"Uh Toni occasionally, when she's being her flirty self. But not really" She said looking at his adorable blue eyes.

Cheryl said this as if it was nothing, but really Toni was only flirty around Cheryl. She liked Cheryl a lot, like she like, liked Cheryl. She was just too scared to tell her.

"Well then, I'll be the first" He sort of whispered, "You're so beautiful, Cheryl Blossom" He leaned in and Cheryl filled the gap. They were smacking their lips against each others and Cheryl was on top of him, straddling his lap. He pulled her shirt of and started kissing down her jawline, to her neck and sucking on her pulse point, making her let out a small whine.

Meanwhile Toni had finished her shower and she couldn't find Cheryl in her room, so she got her phone out and started texting her.
[T.T] Hey Cher, where'd you go?

[T.T] Cheryl, seriously where'd you go?

[T.T] Okay Cheryl this isn't funny

[T.T] Cheryl...


[T.T] Cheryl are you mad at me? did you leave? Please Cheryl.
Toni threw her phone on her bed and ran out of her room. She looked in the spare room, she looked in Tilly's room, she knocked on the bathroom door and no answer, she opened the door and there was no one in there.

Where the hell could she be? She thought to herself.

She was on her way downstairs when she passed her mom on the stairs,

"What are you looking for honey?" Her mom asked

"Um Cheryl, have you seen her?" Toni asked her mom. Her mom shook her head and continued upstairs. Toni went downstairs and checked the kitchen, living room and garage, still no Cheryl. She was on her way back upstairs to check if Cheryl had texted her, just when she reached the top of the stairs she ran into Tilly,

"Hey, Til have you seen Cheryl?" She asked crouching down to her level.

"Uh your girlfriend?" She asked back. Toni rolled her eyes and nodded her head. "She's in Tate's room" She said pointing to his room.

"Thanks Tilly!" Toni said hugging her sister before jumping up, heading towards her brother's room. She knew that Cheryl and Tate were kinda friends because Cheryl's brother Jason was friends with Tate before he moved away, but she didn't know they were that close, she didn't think they were close enough to be hanging out in his room.

Why the hell is she in his room? She thought as she opened the door without knocking.

"Hey, Tate have you seen Cher-" She started as she then realised what Cheryl was doing in Tate's room. Toni's heart shattered and all the pieces had sunk in her chest. Her eyes started tearing up at the sight of Cheryl making out with her brother right there, Cheryl being shirtless didn't help either. Toni slammed his door and ran off to her own room and locked it behind her.

"Toni wait!" Cheryl yelled, throwing her shirt back on and running after Toni. "Toni, open up, please" She knocked on her door.

"Go away!" Toni yelled through her door. Cheryl could hear her crying and wanted nothing more than to go in there, wipe her tears and kiss it all better. "J-just leave, p-please" she said through sobs.

"I'm sorry, Toni, please" Cheryl rested her head on the door and waited for a response, eventually she gave up. "Okay, bye" She said turning and walking out the door, tears forming and her heart pounding. Cheryl had no choice but to walk home since Toni was the one who brought her there, and she certainly wasn't about to accept a ride from Tate, not after what just happened. On her walk home all she could think of was,

Why did I do that? Why, what was the point of that?
Why am I so dumb? I can't believe I just hurt Toni.
I'm a horrible best friend.

The whole walk home Cheryl was feeling horrible, she so badly wanted to go back and hug Toni so tight and kiss her soft lips and tell her how sorry she was. She wanted nothing more than for Toni for to be hers, but that's not about to happen anytime soon. She didn't even know why she kissed Tate, she definitely knew that she regretted it though. She felt so bad, it physically and emotionally hurt her.

Hey guys, so this kinda just popped into my head so now I'm just rolling with it. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter and I hope my writing style isn't much of a problem, I know I'm a pretty shitty writer lol.

Kisses to all, bye now 💋

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