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(Mads and Vanessa are the cutest little babies,, please vote and comment it means a lot)

"What is the point of this exactly?" Betty asked Cheryl.

"The point is, Toni will be more surprised if we throw her a surprise party a week later than her birthday" Cheryl explained. The rest of the group agreed and continued discussing the plan.

"Wait so are we doing anything with her on her actual birthday?" Fangs asked, looking around to everyone.

"You guys will, but I'm going to pretend to forget it's her birthday so that she doesn't suspect the party" Cheryl said looking at everyone. They continued discussing the plan until Toni showed up.

Toni walked into Cheryl's room and everyone split, leaving only Cheryl and Toni, Toni sat down next to Cheryl looking at what she was doing, she caught a glimpse of party supplies on Cheryl's phone and got excided.

"what's the party supplies for babe?" Toni asked smiling.

"Uh it's for my uncles birthday" Cheryl lied still looking at the phone, Toni's expression changed and she had a slight frown. Cheryl took a break from looking at her phone and payed attention to her girlfriend. She walked over to her bed and sat next to Toni, she leant her head on her shoulder and watched her read.

"What's up with you, huh?" Toni asked Cheryl in a soft voice. Cheryl looked up at her girlfriend and furrowed her brows. "Why are you suddenly so cuddly? You didn't want to know me two seconds ago" Toni asked tickling Cheryl, Cheryl tried to fight back the tickles but it didn't work.

"Stop, stop" She said through giggles. Toni stopped and looked down at Cheryl, she leant down and pecked Cheryl's lips.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Toni asked grabbing her laptop, Cheryl shook her head and put the laptop to the side.

"I just want to spend some time with you, how was your day baby?" Cheryl asked, cuddling up to Toni's side. Toni giggled and wrapped her arms around Cheryl and began telling her about her day.

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"Okay, okay so then I walked around the corner and saw Tina fighting with some chick and it was so funny" Toni laughed and pulled Cheryl up so she was laying directly on top of her, she swiped a piece of Cheryl's hair behind her ear and stared at her in admiration.

"Wait so was it a punch up or were they just yelling?" Cheryl asked, giggling. Toni started running her hands up and down Cheryl's back.

"I think they were just yelling, I don't know I left before Tina saw me, I don't like her" Toni answered. They kept talking for a while before Toni flipped them around so she was laying on top of Cheryl. "Okay enough about me how was your day, baby?"

"Oh um okay, B and V got in a fight and it was really funny, none of us even know what it was about, and then Sweetpea and Fangs were arguing about which pudding flavour was best and that turned into a fight, I got that one on camera" Cheryl giggled playing with Toni's fingers.

"What, they're so dumb, show me the video" Toni said rolling her eyes. Cheryl sat up after showing Toni the video and got out of bed, taking Toni's hand. They walked down into the kitchen and sat at the island.

"My mom won't be coming home tonight so what do you want for dinner?" Cheryl asked getting up off the chair.

"Hmm, how about pancakes?" Toni asked clasping her hands together, pleading. Cheryl shrugged and nodded and began getting all the ingredients from the pantry. Toni started jumping up and down with happiness.

When the pancake mix was made Cheryl poured some into a pan and started cooking the pancakes. Toni went behind Cheryl and wrapped her arms around her waist, watching her cook.

"Can you do it I don't wanna anymore?" Cheryl asked. Toni nodded and pried her arms off of Cheryl and reached for the pancaked mix. Cheryl turned around in Toni's arms and pecked her cheek, still facing her she wrapped her arms around Toni's waist and leant her head on her shoulder, as she let Toni cook. When Toni was done Cheryl walked over to the fridge and looked at what drinks they had.

"What do you got?" Toni asked as she began taking everything to the sink.

"We have vodka, juice and some soda" Cheryl said walking back to Toni, wrapping her arms around her waist and leaning her head on her shoulder.

"I just want some soda" Toni said, grabbing Cheryl's hands off her waist, turning around and placing them on her face, squishing her cheeks. She walked off to the fridge and got some soda, she poured some in a cup for Cheryl too and took it into the loving room where they put the pancakes down.

They put a movie on Netflix and cuddled up to watch it while they ate dinner. Cheryl fell asleep during the movie so Toni got up off of her and cleaned the living room and kitchen up before picking Cheryl up and taking her to her room. She tucked her in and kissed her goodnight, she then went to change into pyjamas and got in the bed.

Toni slid in next to Cheryl in the bed, she laid there and waited for Cheryl to feel around for her. Cheryl sat up after a while and looked at Toni, then got out of bed. She walked towards her dresser and put some pyjamas on. She left her shirt off and went back to the bed with Toni.

"Take it off" Cheryl mumbled, tugging on the hem of Toni's shirt. Toni nodded and did as told, she took it off and threw it on the floor. Cheryl rolled over and cuddled into Toni, putting her head in the crook of her neck. Toni rubbed her back until she fell asleep and then drifted off herself.

A/N: it's not the best but here you go. Sorry for being all dead the last like week :)

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