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As Cheryl and Veronica walked hand-in-hand into Riverdale High School they spotted Toni, standing by herself, on her phone. Toni looked miserable and Cheryl couldn't help but feel partially responsible. 

Cheryl glanced down at her and Veronica's interlaced fingers and turned to Veronica cupping her face. 

"I forgot I had a meeting with Mr. Weatherbee, I have to go but I'll see you at lunch" Cheryl said kissing Veronica softly on the lips before leaving. She knew Veronica was watching her walk away so she smirked to herself and turned the corner flipping her hair. 

Once she was out of Veronica's sight she went straight to the locker room, she didn't really have a meeting with the principal she just needed an excuse.

She shoo'd all the other girls out of the locker room and took out her phone. 

C: Meet me in the locker room now, non-negotiable

She put her phone away and sat on a bench waiting. Finally she heard the door creak open slowly, she knew everyone would be in their first period classes by now, so it could only be one person walking through that door.

"C-Cheryl?" A small voice called. Cheryl got up and walked over to them, she stood in front of them and looked them up and down before trying to hold back tears. 

"Listen, I don't want anyone to know about this, so let's make it quick" She started. "I saw how miserable you looked this morning, I'm giving you one chance and one chance only to explain why you did what you did to me" She finishes, taking a seat on the bench again.

"Cheryl, I'm so sorry, and I know you're not going to take me back but that's okay because all I want is to apologise" Toni started as she sat down next to Cheryl.

"Do you remember that time when I told you I had plans with a friend and that I'd be back the next day?" Cheryl nods for her to continue. "Well I was actually going to a party, I didn't tell you about it because you don't like the person who's party it was but I really wanted to go, so I went" Toni says, playing with her hands.

"When I got there I didn't expect to see Betty and the rest of the gang there, I wasn't really friends with any of the people there so I went and hung out with Betty and Veronica. We all started drinking way too much and then we all got called inside to play spin the bottle and when I spun the bottle it landed on Betty, I knew it wasn't right but I was so drunk and I didn't know  what I was doing" Toni choked, Cheryl nodded for her to keep going.

"When it was Betty's turn it landed on me and everyone was shouting "tongue, tongue, tongue" I didn't want to but Betty started kissing me anyway and when I tried to pull away Betty starting full on making out with me, I hate to say anything but, I liked it" Toni said, whispering the last part. Cheryl squeezed her hand for a second telling her she can continue.

"After that Betty and I went to play beer pong, and we kept having to drink, so for a good hour and a half we were constantly drinking by the end of the night I knew I couldn't go home to you in the state I was in so I crashed on the floor but the thing was Betty couldn't go home either so she crashed with me but I'm pretty sure that at some point after the beer pong we had sex, I can't remember if we did and I never bothered to ask Betty if she remembered" Toni explained as she started to cry. Cheryl held her hand as she began to speak again.

"After the party we never said anything to each other about it, we barely even spoke but then when you planned the whole "I forgot your birthday but not really because I'm throwing you a surprise party next week" thing I got so mad that you had forgotten my birthday and tried to tell me that I was getting the date wrong that when I went home I had a nap and when I woke up Betty there to check in on me. Me having cried so much and being loopy from crying, I pulled Betty onto the couch and started to make out with her" 

"I-I knew I was just upset but I wasn't thinking and we ended having sex that night, after that Betty tried so hard to convince me that you forgetting my birthday was just a big plan but I didn't want to believe her after that I kept calling her over to "stay the night" and we kept seeing each other even while she was with Jughead. Then it was the night of the party and I when I showed up and saw you I was so mad that I didn't want to think about you so when you left, I grabbed Betty and we started making out, It would've gone further if Veronica hadn't stopped us, and then when the party was over I went back to my trailer with Betty and we had sex again" Toni said shaking her head.

"The next day I went to see you and say sorry for overexaggerating that you forgot my birthday, and I was going to tell you about Betty and I at one point but you already knew and I felt so bad that you had to find out from someone else. Since then I haven't spoken to Betty or even looked at her other than to tell her to back off and stop trying to be my friend" Toni explained, looking up into Cheryl's eyes. Cheryl blinked and looked away quickly.

"Cheryl, I am so, so sorry for the way I took our relationship for granted, if I had the chance I'd never do anything like it again, I would tell you everything, there would be no secrets and if you didn't want me to go somewhere I wouldn't go I would stay by your side. I'm sorry for the hurt I put you through and I'm sorry it had to be with Betty, I'm sorry that I've made you do this!" Toni says turning Cheryl's wrists over and pulling up her Vixens skirt to reveal scars and fresh cuts. Cheryl looked down and started to cry as well. 

"Toni, I'm sorry, I told you I would never do that again, I'm worthless, you should've been with Betty to start with she would've probably make you happier, she's a lot prettier too" Cheryl says, taking her hand out of Toni's and getting up to walk away. Toni grabbed her wrist, careful not to hurt her.

"Cheryl! You do not have to be sorry, I betrayed your trust and I took it for granted along with our relationship, And I would not have been better off with Betty, I love you and only you, I understand that you don't love me anymore and that's okay. And Betty, is nothing compared to you!" Toni said, holding Cheryl's hand. 

"I'm sorry" Toni whispers as a tear falls down her face. She gets up and leaves the locker room, Cheryl follows her and catches up to her. She tugs Toni back by her shoulder and kisses her, passionately.

Toni pushes her off and stares at her. "Cheryl stop, you deserve better than me, a cheater and a liar, you deserve Veronica" Toni says as she starts walking backwards.

"Goodbye Cheryl, please don't follow me" Toni says as she runs off. Just then the bell rang for lunch and the halls filled with students, Cheryl sadly made her way to the cafeteria where she would meet with Veronica and the others. 

She walked with her head down and tears flowing down her face, when she got to the cafeteria and found her friends, she sat down, Veronica scooted closer to her but Cheryl scooted away and put her hands in her lap. 

"Can you take me home, Veronica?" Cheryl asked in a hoarse and choked voice. Veronica looked confused but agreed.

"Y-yeah okay, come on" Veronica went to grab her hand and lead her outside but Cheryl had already started walking towards the parking lot.

A/n: Sorry for this taking so long!! Idk if anyone is going to like this chapter, it's a bit longer than usual and I don't know if I should've gone with this storyline or not, let me know if you liked it!!!

Also I didn't proof read so sorry for the mistakes!

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