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"Cher you have to eat something" Veronica tells the redhead.

"I ate a lot at lunch, Veronica, I'm still full" Cheryl says walking over to her wardrobe and picking out two pairs of pajamas for her and Veronica.

"YOU DIDN'T EAT ANYTHING AT LUNCH!" The raven-haired girl yelled. She took the pajamas from Cheryl and began putting them on, Cheryl did too.

Cheryl silently cursed herself for forgetting that she sat with Veronica at lunch as she began to pull her shirt on over her head. Cheryl turned around to take her pants off and put her pajama pants on, she put her dirty clothes in her hamper.

She walked back over to the bed and sat next to Veronica.

"Cher, why are you wearing long pajama pants? it's like 80 degrees" Veronica questions. Cheryl just shrugs and scoots back against the bed and sits against the headboard. Veronica mirrors her and sits next to her on the headboard.

Cheryl's phone dings, making her pick it up. She looks at the number and knows exactly who's it is. She smiles and then sighs opening her phone.

: Cheryl, I know you hate me and you don't want to take me back but I just want to say sorry, I need to say sorry and I need you to accept it, I can't keep living on like everything is fine. Look I know what I did was wrong and there's nothing I can say or do to fix it and I don't expect you to believe I'm actually sorry but I am, even if you never talk to me again or never look at me again I understand but please accept my apology and please text me back I need to know that you're okay!
Read 4:08pm

Cheryl was about to reply when her mother came in the room. She closed her phone and put it back on the nightstand. She turned her full attention to her mother.

"Do you girls want to go to the movies and get out of the house? I'll pay" Penelope said kindly.

The two girls looked at each other and nodded.

"Sure why not?" Veronica said, Cheryl nodded along.

"Okay great well quickly get changed out of your pajamas and I'll see you girls downstairs" Penelope clapped her hands and left the room.

Veronica bounced up quickly and got changed into some of Cheryl's nice clothes, Cheryl got up and did the same thing.

Cheryl went and reapplied her makeup so she didn't look like a trash can. She remembered how much Toni used to hate it when she wore makeup, she shook the thought though and finished applying her makeup and went back out to Veronica.

Once both girls had finished getting ready they headed downstairs to Penelope. Penelope gave the girls some money and told them to go see any movie they wanted. Veronica smiled and took the money from Penelope and dragged Cheryl out of the house with her.

"Lighten up Cheryl! This is going to be fun. Plus, now we can actually be alone without anything distracting you or upsetting you" Veronica said as she placed her hand on Cheryl's thigh.

They pulled into the parking lot and got out. Cheryl was starting to get anxious about how many people she could see going into the Bijou. Veronica noticed and stayed close to her so she would still feel safe.

As they walked through the doors Cheryl slipped her hand in Veronica's and interlaced their fingers, holding her close and tight. Veronica smiled and blushed every time Cheryl squeezed her hand.

Once they got into the theatre and got their seats they sat down and started talking.

"So, what movie did we even pick?" Cheryl asks.

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