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Cheryl woke up the next morning feeling slightly gross and disgusting, she sat up trying to get through the feeling of it all.

Once she stood up out of her bed her stomach made a growling noise and felt like it was about to erupt. Cheryl ran into the bathroom and hovered her head over the toilet, vomiting and coughing up things she doesn't even remember eating.

"Cheryl? Are you in here?" She heard someone call from her bedroom. It was slightly muffled but she called back to them anyway.

"In... h-here" She spoke threw gags. Cheryl heard footsteps coming towards her, they were still a bit distorted like the calls before but she could tell they were close.

Cheryl was about to look up from where she was hanging her head over the toilet, instead she threw up some more. She felt a hand collect her hair and pull it back for her while she threw up, once that burst of stomach chunks had ended, Cheryl fell back on her ass and leant her head and back against the wall, pulling her knees up to her chest.

"Thanks" She says weakly, shifting her hazy gaze from straight ahead to towards the side.
• • •

Betty had woken up before Toni and decided to get ready to take her to get her bike so she could go and see Cheryl. She was being as quiet as possible, trying her hardest not to wake Toni as she knows she's not particularly a morning person.

Betty was heading into the bathroom when she knocked over a bottle that was on Toni's dresser, she turned around slowly, cringing at the loud thump it made on the timber floors. Betty looked to the bed and saw Toni stirring under the covers, of course the bottle had woken her up.

Toni sat up in the bed, groaning and looking towards Betty.

"Oh, morning, Beautiful" Toni said, stretching with a smirk on her face. Betty rolled her eyes and smirked back.

"Good Morning, Toni" Betty said, walking into the bathroom. She heard Toni get out of the bed and put the bottle back on the dresser, continuing into the bathroom after her. She could see Toni come up behind her in the mirror and she felt Toni wrap her arms around her waist and kiss her neck.

Betty sighed and pushed Toni away gently. Toni fake pouted.

"Toni, we need to talk" Betty said, grabbing Toni's hand.

"Aw, are you breaking up with me?" Toni pouted again, jokingly. Betty shook her head, laughing slightly at Toni's humour.

"No, seriously. We need to talk" Betty said, clearing her throat and nodding her head towards the door. She tugged on Toni's hand, leading her out to the living room, Toni following suspiciously.

Betty sat them both down on the sofa and sighed before beginning to speak.

"Toni, you're going to see Cheryl today, and if all goes well, you two might end up back together, I just want to know where I stand in this, what happens if you two don't get back together?" Betty asks, seriousness laced through every word. Toni looks up from their hands and just stares into oblivion for a moment.


"Oh, uhm if Cheryl and I get back together, which would be very slim because if you don't remember, I'm not extremely fond of her at the moment, then we... can't be together, obviously" Toni begins, looking into Betty's eyes.

"And if not, we still can't be together, I was thinking last night when I couldn't fall asleep, and you're dating Jughead, it wouldn't be right and you're Cheryl's cousin" Toni adds.

"Plus we already cheated on them enough and I feel bad enough as it is" Toni said in a rush tone.

"Yeah, okay fair enough" Betty says, standing up, "You should get ready so we can go to the Wyrm and get your bike" Toni nods and walks off to her room while Betty goes into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

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