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(Isn't she just the most stunning human being, she certainly takes my breath away)

"okay bye mom" Toni hung up her phone and looked to Cheryl with a great big smile on her face. Cheryl smiled back to Toni and took her hand leading her inside. She pushed the door open and called out for her mom.

"Mom?!" Cheryl called out, her mom came running around the corner.

"Cheryl, dear I thought something had happened to you"

"Sorry ma'am, Also can Toni stay the night?" Cheryl asked as Toni tightened her grip on Cheryl's hand.

"Of course, Toni's lovely to have around, hello dear" Penelope started, "Oh!" She said glancing down to Cheryl and Toni's intertwined fingers. The girls immediately let go of each other and stood up straight. "No, it's fine, I support you girls, it's just a change that's all, a good one at that!" She reassured the girls.

"Thank you Mrs Blossom, I love Cheryl and I promise to treat her with utmost respect" Toni said to Penelope grabbing hold of her girlfriend's hand again. Penelope nodded and turned her head towards Cheryl.

"A-and I too love and promise to treat Antoinette with utmost respect" Cheryl said returning the reassurance to Toni. Penelope nodded to Cheryl and gave them some privacy, letting them head up to Cheryl's room.

Cheryl lead Toni into her room and closed the door behind them. Toni immediately started to jump on Cheryl's bed.

"Hey! Get down you demon girlfriend" Cheryl said trying to pull Toni down from the bed.

"But I don't wanna" Toni whined falling down onto her butt and crossing her arms. Cheryl giggled and turned away to find some pyjamas for her and Toni to wear for the night. Toni scooted to the edge of the bed.

"Hey Cher, I love you" Toni said sweetly.

"I love you too baby" Cheryl said as she continued to rummage through her dresser. She found pyjamas for Toni and threw them at her. "Here" Cheryl said as they began getting dressed. Toni sat back on the bed and waited for Cheryl to finish getting changed. "so, what do you want to do now?"

"Um, oh I know, we could build a fort!" Toni said getting excited.

"Toni, we're seventeen, we're not building a fort" Cheryl said falling onto her back on the bed.

"oh, okay I get it, it's fine. So, what do you want to do then" The pink-haired girl asked sadly.

"No, no we'll build a fort I'm sorry baby" Cheryl said pulling Toni down next to her and hugging her. Toni smiled to herself and melted in Cheryl's arms. "Okay lets go then" She said tickling Toni.

"I'll go get the blankets and you can get the pillows" Toni said. They got the blankets and pillows and built their fort. When it was finished Toni climbed in and spread herself across the blankets, not leaving any room for Cheryl.

"Okay, move I wanna sit down" Cheryl said crouching down.

"No I want all the room" Toni said back, sticking her tongue out.

"What about if I did this?" Cheryl asked as she began tickling Toni.

"Okay, okay! Mercy! Mercy!" Toni screamed as she moved over and cuddled up to Cheryl under the blanket. "This is nice, sitting here with the woman I love and some great snacks"

"Isn't it just" Cheryl hummed into Toni's neck.

"Girls dinner!" Penelope called out from the stairs.

"Ugghhhh" Cheryl groaned "I just got settled into your arms" She whined as she got up and walked downstairs with Toni into the dining hall. "What's for dinner mother?" Cheryl asked sitting down at the island next to Toni.

"I picked up some pops" Penelope said handing the girls their bag of food and shooing them away to Cheryl's room. They ran upstairs and into Cheryl's room diving into their fort to devour their delicious dinner. They cuddled up and fell asleep in each others arms waiting for a new day to roll around.

A/N: soooo sorry for this very very short chapter and sorry it's really boring too, not much inspiration for this chapter but next chapter will be better I promise!

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