The beginning

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  • Dedicated to Jessica

"Misty! Wake up!"

Somebody is shouting in my ear. I gently and reluctantly open my eyes.

"Misty, are you okay darling? Your medicine is downstairs, you forgot it last night." My mother says. I can hear the worry in her voice, the worry that one day I may never wake again.

Today is the day of the reaping and it's anything but exciting. I am filled with dread and fear. This will be my first one. Mother brushes my hair and lays a silky blue dress on the table.

I gasp.

"Mother- I, I can't wear that! It's yours!"

"It was the dress I wore for my first reaping. You wear it." She insists.

I give in and let her slip on the dress. The blue silk makes me shiver. It is a truly beautiful dress. Although, not really to my liking.

"Perfect" Mother says.

I hate dresses, but for once I don't mind.

"Can I go see Prim? Please?" I ask. Prim is my best friend and this will be our first reaping together.

I don't think we'll get chosen, but I'm still scared. I mean, my cousin's best friend, Tyler, was chosen. He'd only been in once. He was killed at the very beginning, at the Cornucopia. Ever since then, his family have remained silent, never talking to anybody.

In fact, once those games were over, I never saw them again.

I run over to Prim's house, her sister Katniss answers the door and leads me inside.

"Prim!" I shout.

We both run into each other's arms. She's shaking so hard, but I don't think it's for herself. It's probably for Katniss, who's name will be in more than twenty times this year.

"I'm worried" She whispers to me. "Worried for me, worried for you, worried for Katniss."

I know exactly how she feels. She absolutely hates the Capitol. Me? I'm scared to death of them. Which is just what they want.

The Hunger games: MistyWhere stories live. Discover now