The reaping

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We arrive at the reaping and Katniss heads off to her area with the older kids. I notice Prim is crossing her fingers for Katniss. I do the same.

Effie Trinket, with her stupid squeaky voice steps up on to the stage.

"Ladies first, as always" She squeaks. I feel Prim's hand reach mine.

"Please not Katniss, please not Katniss" Prim whispers over and over again.

Effie reads the piece of paper.

"Primrose Everdeen" She squeaks out.

I hear a gasp from next to me. No! Not Prim! I look over to Katniss, she's running, shouting and being pushed back by her friend, Gale.

Prim is being led up to the stage

It's not fair, Prim can't survive in there. She'll die. I can't let that happen.

Without even thinking about the consequences, I shout at Effie.

"I volunteer! I volunteer" I shout over the crowds.

The crowd look furious and I suddenly realise what I've done.

District 12 has never had a volunteer before. Especially not a 12-year old.

I'll die. I'll just die.

Effie gives me a big smile, like she's sizing me up, ready to take a big bite out of me.

"Are you sure sweetheart?" She asks.

I nod.

Prim is being led back down. I can tell she hates the Capitol even more now. She starts kicking and screaming and runs back to the stage.

"Prim...Prim, please" I whisper, my face white. The whole of Panem is probably watching us now.

Katniss is running up to Prim, and she carries her back whilst Prim sobs and screams at her.

The boys are quickly read out. The boy tribute is called Peeta Mellark, he's probably around the same age as Katniss. I haven't seen him before.

Peseta looks disgusted to have tot rain with me and I'm not surprised. Everybody knows that I will never win.

On the way to the justice building, I glance at the crowds. Everybody is leaving now, but Prim is still standing there.

Looking so lost.

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