The sessions and scores

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Today will be our private training sessions and I know I won't get a good score. Maybe Clove will ditch me once she realizes I'm not as good at knives as I seem. She never misses.

Whilst Marvel, the boy from District 1, has his training session Cato gets up and walks over to me. I am alone, because Peeta is with the boy from district 4.

'Hi Ice Princess' He says, looking at me in the eye.

I notice Glimmer watching us. Clearly she will stage another accident to stop Cato talking to me.

'You have a glimmer in your eyes' I say, hoping he gets the hint.

Luckily he does and moves away, walking back to Glimmer. He puts him arm around her and she smiles, kissing him on the cheek. That was pretty bold. I have only seen her gazing at him so far.

Luckily Marvel comes out after his session and Glimmer is called in. That's when Cato comes strolling to where I'm sitting.

'So district twelve,' He begins. 'How's it going for you?'

I just mumble 'good'. I mean, I want to say I feel like breaking down and crying but that won't go down too well. It's still a stupid question considering I'm going into an arena to get killed.

'What's your tactic?'

I decide to trust him.

'Throwing kinives'. I reply. He just nods.

'I liked your dress' Cato says changing the subject.

'Thanks' I reply. 'I think everybody did'.

'No, not that one. I mean I did like it, but I preferred the black one.'

'Oh' I reply, feeling a bit trapped.

Luckily Cato's name is called and he goes for his training session.

'Good luck..' I call out.

He turns around and winks. 'You too, Ice Princess'. After that he's disappeared around the corner.

Clove comes up and slaps me in the face ones he's gone. I stumble back in shock.

'That's for hitting on Cato!' She yells at me. The other tributes look interested, expecting a fight.

'I'm..I'm sorry. I wasn't doing it on purpose!' I say. I feel my chest tightening up and my lungs get heavy. I forgot my medicine! It's on the other side of the room, near Peeta, I could die if I don't get it! I start gasping and wheezing and Clove looks at me in alarm. 

'Clove, it''s hyponameria...mental illness...I need my medicine1' I manage to gasp. 

Then the world goes fuzzy and I hear Clove being called to the training centre. I watch her walk away...and I finally black out.


I wake up next to Peeta. With my head on his lap. Peeta!? I jump up in alarm and he looks up at me. 

'Hey Misty' He says with a smile. 'I managed to get your medicine just after you went unconscious'.

I notice we're the only ones here and I ALSO notice the huge bruise on his cheek. I gasp.

'Peeta your cheek-'

'Yeah, there was a big fight. It appears the district 6 boy thought the arena would be easier with you dead and he grabbed the medicine when he heard that you needed it'.

'Do you Peacekeepers know?' 

He just nods. 'Yes and they're furious about it too. He's been sent to his room and my guess is that they'll give him a low score. Sorry to break the news but your friends seemed a bit shocked that you had an illness. She walked away'.

I nod, I did notice that.

We suddenly hear Peeta's name called and I am left alone.


I walk into the training room and instantly notice the gamemakers. How bored they are. My heart sinks at this because it means I'll probably get a very low score. Lower than I'm expecting anyway.

I pick up some knives and throw them at two targets, each one hitting bull's eye. I look up smiling, expecting the gamemakers to be impressed. They're busy laughing and drinking wine so I cough to get their attention. They all turn to me. Excellent. I pick up more knives and do the same thing. Except this time I miss. Completely. I can feel my face turning red and hear mocking laughter. I feel like yelling in their faces and remember a moment when I felt like this. On the train with Peeta and Haymitch, I'd yelled at them and stormed out. I decided I wasn't going to do that here.

I notice the head gamemaker, Seneca Crane. At that moment I have an idea. A brilliant, outrageous, risky and VERY dangerous idea. I pick up the longest knife I can find and get my aim right with Seneca Crane's wine glass. Then I launch my hand forward and let go. 

The glass is knocked forward and he screams. It would be quite funny if he wasn't the one who could end my life in the arena.

'Thank you for your caring attention' I say mockingly and bow down.

Then I leave the room without dismissal.

I feel sick, walking to our room. I get to the elevator and press the '12' button. I walk into the apartment and sit down with Haymitch, Effie and Peeta to waqit for the scores.

'What did you two do?' Effie asks.

'Threw a few knives, that's all'. Peeta replies.

'Threw a knife at Seneca Crane's wine glass and smashed it'. I say calmly, although my heart is thudding.

'YOU WHAT!!!???' Effie shrieks, outraged.

'Good aim sweetheart, that'll show them'. Haymitch says. A completely different action to Effie.

Befoire either of them can say anything else, the screen in front of us turns on and the scores are displayed.

D1 BOY- 9


D2 BOY-10


D3 BOY-6


D4 BOY-8


D5 BOY-4


D6 BOY-3


D7 BOY-8


D8 BOY-4


D9 BOY-6


D10 BOY-3

D10 GIRL-2

D11 BOY-6

D11 GIRL-3

D12 BOY-8

D12 GIRL- 11

I got an eleven! Higher than Cato! Higher than everyone! Surely the careers will accept me now?

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