The cornucopia

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'Welcome to the 74th annual hunger games!' Claudius Templesmith announces. 'May the odds be ever in your favor!'

The countdown starts and I struggle to remain on my podium, although knowing that I will be blown apart if I step off before the countdown ends. What if the lava starts flowing before we are allowed to step off? What if it reaches some of us first?

Glimmer is on my right and gives me an evil smile. I can tell she's planning on killing me as soon as she can.











As soon as the beep sounds I am racing down the hill. What for? To get away from Glimmer, other tributes and the lava. Running to get food, safe water, weapons and shelter. Maybe to find Cato, Clove and Marvel too. If they want me to and if Glimmer and the lava or somebody else doesn't get to me first.

I get to the mouth of the cornucopia and I am tempted to get the stuff right in the mouth. There are plenty of good knives and lots of food and water, also matches and ropes, as well as shelter. 

I guess I have no choice because a spear narrowly misses my shoulder. I turn around quickly in time to see the boy from district 3 drop to the ground with a knife through his head. Dead. I gasp and look for the knife owner. Among all the fighting I see Peeta, looking shocked as well. He just killed someone, that's something he wasn't planning on doing, I bet. Another knife comes towards me and I leap into a pile of supplies, just scraping past it. I look and this time see there is no escape.

Thresh from district one is sprinting towards where I am hiding and I can tell he has spotted me. I look at the long, evil-looking axe in his hands and just close my eyes. If I am to die then I hope it happens quick.

A tremendous thud opens my eyes and I see Cato wrestling Thresh to the ground. 

'GO!' Cato yells at me. 'GO AND FIND CLOVE! SHE'LL PROTECT YOU!!!'

So Cato does care about me. I can't let him die! He could win! Plus, he did just save my life.

I grab a knife from a weapons stand and get ready to throw it. Then I stop and realize what I'm about to do. This knife has spikes on the blade and is curved slightly. If this went into somebody's head or near their heart, they would die. I hurriedly look for another.

But I was too late.

I watched as Thresh swung his axe at Cato. Cato screaming, clutching his leg.

Suddenly I don't care about if my weapon kills.

I thrust it right at Thresh and he drops down, I know he's dead. I got him in the forehead.

But just then an arrow soars straight into my arm and I know exactly who it is when I hear an evil, flirtatious laugh.


I wake up and instantly feel better. I can hear laughing and can smell something cooking. I know I'm at the careers camp. As my eyes focus I see Glimmer, Cato, Marvel, Clove, Foxface and the girl from district 4, gathered around a campfire under a few large tents.

So Foxface must have allied with them. I'm surprised. She would have survived on one backpack from the cornucopia, she's that clever and cunning.

I look at where I'm lying and notice I'm in a thermal sleeping bag, surrounded by rugs. One of the careers must have taken me here. I think. I hope. If it waas somebody else I wouldn't have the heart to kill them if it came down to the final two.

Especially if it was Peeta, or maybe Rue.

Whoever it was, I'm safer now, hopefully.

Clove must have noticed me wake up because she walks over.

'Hey Misty, you've been asleep for two days. We found you at the back of the cornucopia with an arrow in your arm. Somebody seemed to want to hide you when you were knocked out but Glimmer 'found' you and dragged you out. She swears she didn't shoot the arrow but personally I don't trust her'.

'How many are dead?' I ask, my voice barely audible.

'15' Clover replies. 'I killed two at the cornucopia, Cato killed three and Foxface killed one. Glimmer killed one and Marvel killed two as well. I think the girl from 4 killed two. Three others died at the cornucopia, two yesterday and one a few hours ago. Glimmer wanted to go tribute hunting but I refused because you could be killed if we left you'.

'Thanks' I say, smiling weakly.

'Food's ready! Come on you two!' Marvel yells.

I get up, grinning. The food smells nice.

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