The wolves

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  • Dedicated to A friend who is in the library right now

When I was little, about nine, I went under the fence with Katniss. Even Prim hadn't been in the forest yet. She tried showing me how to shoot and the best places to hide and set traps.

I was setting a trap when she screamed my name and yelled and me to get up a tree. She sounded far away and I ran to her voice but she told me to turn around, hide. Then she screamed in agony.

Suddenly it was on top of me, a huge snarling wolf, it opened its mouth and then...

...Dropped dead on the forest floor, an arrow in its throat. Katniss stood there, a gashed leg and multiple scratches all down her face. We want home and I never returned to the forest again, never went beyond that fence.


But now there was no Katniss there. Only Cato.

'Misty! Run!' He yells from up ahead. I am frozen, glued to the ground, paralysed with fear.

He comes back and grabs my hand, turning to the right. My legs immediately obey and I follow him, running as if my life depends on it. Actually, it does.

I hear the paws of the wolves coming closer. Maggie trips and tries to get back up. I halt, wanting to run back and help her but I carry on running. She screams as they pounce on her and I don't look back when I hear her cannon boom.

They're still after us though, as more rise up from the ground.

I'm stumbling and my only hope is the trees. I shin up to the top of one. I'm light do I'm on the thin branches but if Cato tried getting up here, surely the tree would fall down?

Luckily he thinks about this and is climbing up the tree beside me. However, the wolves are snapping at his heels, only narrowly missing.

Suddenly a cannon booms and I stop halfway up the tree. Who's cannon could that have been?

There's only me, Glimmer, Clove, Cato, Rue and Megann left in the arena.

Who could it have been?

'Misty!' I hear Cato call out across the trees. He can't get any higher and one of the wolves has his leg, slowly dragging him down.

I pull out a knife and throw it, but the mutt dodges and I get Cato's ankle, causing him to scream out in pain.

'I'm sorry!' I shout over to him and pull out another knife. I only have a few after this. The next knife hits the wolf mutt right in the eye and it falls back, giving Cato time to get further up the tree.

The mutts seem to have had enough after I wounded their friend. A hole opens up into the ground and they all jump in.

I lean against the tree, exhausted.

Somehow, I fall asleep.

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