The nightlock

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Foxface/Megann POV

I finish placing the flowers on the ground and climb a tree to admire my masterpiece.

I've never been much of an artist but I'm fairly proud of this. It's a red-haired girl, flames around her. Flames in her eyes, coming out of her mouth. She's holding three fingers to her mouth. This is a gesture rarely used, it means farewell, goodbye to somebody you love. I have spotted a camera hidden in the bark of a tree trunk and can tell that my picture is on every screen in Panem. The camera is focusing on it.


"Megann". Cato says when he sees me. Hatred in his eyes.

"Cato". I say coolly.

This unnerves him. First thing he's heard me say.

"You do know that only one of us can win these games. That's gonna be me. I've trained for this my whole life".

"You seem lost. Where are Misty and Glimmer eh? Did they abandon you? Poor Cato. Not so strong now". I say changing the subject.

I can see he's at boiling point. I just need a distraction.

"Enough talking!" He growls. "Misty's probably dead and I gave up on Girly Glimmer ages ago! I need to finish you off now".

He raises his sword and I kick the stones at him. He splutters and drops the weapon, just in time for me to grab the parachute and untie the box. I know what's inside. My way out of here.

Cato gets up, his eyes full of fury.

He gasps in astonishment as I lift up the berries and tip them into my mouth. I lift up my three fingers and press them to my mouth.


That's the last sound I hear as he walks away.

Goodbye, Capitol.

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