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"Where is she?!" Kylo roared as he rounded the corner.

The group of Stormtroopers that were huddled around Rey dispersed quickly, making room for their Supreme Leader. As Kylo approached a burning rage filled him. Rey was laying on her back unconscious and bound in restraints.

"What happened?!" He asked furiously. When Rey had ran for the elevator he had notified Hux to stop her from escaping. He was clear in his demand to not harm the girl.

"Sir, we gathered that she was coming here to level 86. We caught her before she tried to escape with one of our transports". Hux reported as he smoothed his hair back. "We were forced to immobilize her."

"I asked you not to harm her." Kylo growled.

"We had to. She was resisting."

"I don't want anyone touching her. Do I make myself clear?" Kylo commanded.

"I don't understand, she is a prisoner to the First Order. We should execute her for trying to escape." Hux exasperated.

"She is no longer a prisoner, Hux. She is my apprentice."

"Your apprentice?! She is a spy! For the Resistance!"

"No. She is not going back to the Resistance. She is staying here. With us."

"You are not thinking this through. She will turn on you, on all of us. Your infatuation with this scavenger has to stop. 

Kylo lifted his hand and began to manipulate the force, cutting short the air supply from the General's throat. His hands flew to his neck as if that would stop Kylo from force choking him. "Don't test my patience. General." As much as he wanted to kill him at this very moment, he released the general.

Without another word, Kylo pushed past the general and walked over to Rey's unconscious form. The troopers around him took a step back and saluted him. Lifting Rey from the ground, he tossed her over his shoulder. All eyes were on the Supreme Leader as he left, carrying the scavenger away with him.

Kylo thought it would be best to check Rey into the medical bay before he could think of his punishment for her attempt of escape. When he arrived at the medic bay he placed Rey on one of the cold examination beds.

He turned to the medical droids. "Assess her injuries and give me a report."

"Yes. Sir." The droid quickly began working on her. After a few short moments the droid completed his examination.

"Sir. She has minor injuries. A few bruises around her back, neck, and arms. She was injected with a tranquilizer but will recover soon and will regain consciousness in a few short hours."

Kylo nodded sharply. "Change her into clean clothes and have her brought to my quarters."

"Yes. Supreme Leader."

Kylo paced his study. He had left Rey to be tended to at the medic bay and was waiting to hear of her arrival to his quarters. Scanning the array of books that lined his shelf, Kylo shifted restlessly. He hated waiting. Moving to sit behind his desk Kylo scanned the reports that he had left earlier that morning. Amongst the papers was the reports on Rey's attacker. Looking over the report quickly Kylo reached for his imperial comlink that rested on his desk.

"Hux!" Kylo barked.

"Supreme Leader."

"Have you found any new leads on the traitor who sent KN 3186 to kill the girl?"

"No Sir. We are still investigating. So far it seems the trooper acted on his own."

"Find out who sent him. Soon. The girl's room was distroyed during the attack. Make sure a new quarter is built for her. I want her quarters next to mine. No one will have access but me."

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