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His lips grazed the top of her knuckles, sending chills down her spine. This wasn't like him. His touch was gentle and coordinated not like his usual way, which was always harsh and jerky. There was a tingling sensation left on the back of her hand where he placed his lips. Her eyes slowly made their way down to meet his, and to her surprise his dark eyes were already staring straight back at her.

Though his expression was cold his eyes seemed to be looking straight into her soul. Overcome with embarrassment, Rey quickly broke the connection and averted her eyes away.

He released her hand and it dropped to her side. She watched frozen in place as Kylo offered his arm to escort her off the balcony. She didn't dare make eye contact with him again, it always felt as if she would be sucked into the darkness if she stared to long into the dark knights' eyes. She hesitated a moment before nodding, placing her hands on his arm and letting him lead her through the double glass doors.

The silence was broken by their steps as they made their way down the hall. Rey had no idea where exactly Kylo was leading her, but in that moment all she knew was that she found it unnerving that he stayed silent. His heavy steps echoed throughout the hall in the most military fashion. Giving him a side glance Rey could not help but wonder what was going on in his head, and oh what she would have given at that moment to find out without him knowing of her intrusion.

She looked behind them but there were no knights or servants following them. Just the two of them alone.

Kylo looked over at her, as if sensing her unease.

"We are almost there" He stated absent mindedly.

Rey nodded slightly, picking up her pace. As they reached the end of the hall Kylo stopped at the door on the right and opened it, letting Rey pass through first.

"I will come back shortly. I need to prepare for our stay." Kylo said standing in the doorway.

"We are staying the night?" Rey asked turning to look at him.


She nodded and watched him as he slowly shut the door between them. Rey stood there a moment longer staring at the closed door. Looking down at the gown she realized that it would be a good idea to get out of it and in her regular clothes, something she knew and was familiar with. Stripping out of the dress Rey laid the gown on the bed, careful not to ruin it. Turning to the dresser Rey opened the drawers until she found her clothes and quickly slipped them on, grabbing the black box for the dress before walking over to the bed. Picking up the gown Rey began to examine it again. It was truly stunning, something that Rey would never have been able to see otherwise, let alone hold and wear. Afraid to hold it any longer and cause any more damage to it she meticulously fold the gown, taking care to smooth out the wrinkles before carefully placing it back in the black box. On Jakku she had very few nice possessions, and the ones that she had she kept safe and hidden in a tin box. Rey had made it a point to check on her items once a day, cleaning and polishing them as necessary before tucking them back in her tin box and hiding them. The gown reminded her of her trinkets and in that way, Rey felt responsible for it.

There was a knock on the door which broke her train of thought. She didn't bother responding to it. She was already very accustomed to how Kylo ran things around here and was sure that it was him. A few seconds after the knock Kylo stepped into the room, the door shutting with a thud behind him. Rey watched from the corner of her eye as he approached stopping a few feet away from her as if he was waiting for her to acknowledge his presence.

Unbounded : A Reylo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now