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She can recognize his voice from anywhere. She was becoming very accustomed to it. His deep voice brought chills to her spine and her hair on the back of her neck stood up.

She was standing in the forest again. The snow was like a blanket on the dark trees.


He was calling to her. Maybe through the bond? She couldn't tell, she could hear his voice all around her. In her head and bouncing off the trees. Like a ripple effect.

Ben! She called back but no answer. She couldn't see him but she could feel him near through the force.

Come to me Rey...

A dark tall figure emerged between the trees from the darkness. He stood there as if waiting for her to come to him. Rey knew it would be a mistake, even dangerous but that didn't stop her. She needed to find out where this was going. She walked towards him, stopping in front of him.

His expression was always the same. Dark, intense and emotionless. Like a dark prince of the night. The scar she gave him stretched across his face. She wanted to touch it, feel it beneath her cold fingertips.

Do it.

He could read her mind like an open book, she was supposed to keep her mind and feelings hidden away from him but instead she dropped all her barriers. Rey knew that she was vulnerable to him at this very moment.

She stretched her hand out and placed her fingers against his scar. His eyes closed slowly as she traced the scar from his forehead down to his jawline, his expression relaxing under her touch. Kylo pressed his face into her palm, eyes closed. When the scar disappeared under the neck line of his black tunic, she stopped and looked up at him. His dark eyes were reading her face.

Kylo... she mumbled under her breath. This wasn't Ben she was looking at, this was purely Kylo. And part of her felt this was wrong. She shouldn't want to touch him. She removed her hand and it dropped slowly to her side. Everything about him scared her but yet fascinated her at the same time. His eyes scanned her face, as if he was trying to memorize every small detail and lines she had. Then his eyes fell on her lips.

He reached for her hand and pulled it slowly to his mouth. His lips graced the tops of her knuckles and she sucked in a breath. Kylo hummed a soft tune before he kissed down on her hand. His eyes flicked back to hers.

"Did you have a nice dream?"

Rey shot up from her bed but her hands were pulled back along with the motion. She was chained to the bed. Again. She blinked a few times before focusing on Kylo who was leaning against the wall.

"I wasn't dreaming." She responded turning her gaze away, trying to hide the heat on her cheeks. Every night for a week she had that same dream. Every night she dreams of him in the forest.

"Really?" She could hear a smile tugging at the end of that word.

"Take that stupid thing off. I hate it."

"As you wish my highness."

He performed a small bow before chuckling and taking his helmet off. Once the helmet was off his smile was gone with it. Which slightly disappointed Rey to her surprise. She wanted to see mighty Kylo Ren smile, even just once.

"When are you going to free me?" She asked pulling on the chains.

"When you behave." His voice was back to its cold self, not playful like before.

"I will if you set me free." She gave him a weak smile as if trying to convince him.

"Your communication with the resistance is done. As of now you will be loyal to first Order. And me."

Unbounded : A Reylo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now