The Bond That Ties Us Part I

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The echo of shouts reverberated down the hall as the storm troopers shoved her towards his study. Crashing through the doors Rey struggled against the trooper's hold as she continued to shout at them. The trooper, having enough if her temper tantrum, shoved her forward causing her to lose her balance and fall to the floor. Unable to catch her fall, Rey took the whole brunt of the fall on her right shoulder. Hissing in pain she spat at the troopers while struggling to stand up.

Kylo was leaning against his desk with his arms crossed over his chest. Darkness and rage swirled around him, the force becoming unmistakably suffocating.

"Leave." He gestured to the troopers.

"Sir." They saluted before turning to exit his study.

"What's going on?!" She snapped.

"How did he get into your quarters?" He demanded. Not bothering to take his mask off like he always did when he spoke to her. She could tell he was tense, from his straight back to his clenched fists.

"I don't know he just opened the door and the guards let him in."

"And you just let him come in?!"

"How was I going to stop him?! You took all my weapons!" She exasperated. "Plus, he isn't dangerous at all. He's much nicer than you." Rey scoffed.

"What?!" Kylo roared stepping closer to her.

"You heard me! You lock me up all day, only let me come out to train. All you care about is making me stronger for your benefit! Then you capture my friend and throw him in a cell and torture him! And now to set him free I have to give away my freedom forever!" Rey's voice became hoarse from shouting. It was getting harder for her to control her anger, her face getting red as she took a breath in.

"You're the one who came to me. Remember? I saved you from the lies my mother was feeding you. You will thank me later."

"I'm not the one who needs saving. "She spat shaking her head at him.

Ignoring her comment, he again stepped closer to her, towering over her.

"I forbid you to talk or see him. Marius is not who you think he is. He's just using you to get to me."

"I see whoever I want to see. Your just jealous because you want control over everything and everyone."

She knew her words were pushing him over the edge, but she didn't give a damn anymore. She was tired of his childish behavior. If she was going to be stuck with him forever than she wasn't going to just let him control everything she does.

"I don't know Marius for that long but in the 20 minutes we spent together he learned more about me than you have in these past two weeks."

It didn't take much to push Kylo over the edge, and that seemed to do the job. The sound that ripped out of Kylo forced Rey to step back. Tearing his lightsaber from his belt Kylo ignited it with a scream and began swinging around him with abandon. It didn't take him long to have the whole room destroyed and have everything strewn about. In a crazed frenzy Kylo yanked his helmet off of his face and threw it to the side, stomping towards her.

"You are mine! No one else's!"

The clear sound of a slap echoed throughout the room, as the sting of needles spread across Rey's palm.

He stilled for a long moment before turning his face to look at her. His expression turned to stone, but his eyes still burned with anger. Her handprint clearly visible against his pale skin.

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