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Alaric had called Odette around two months after the kids had settled into the Salvatore School

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Alaric had called Odette around two months after the kids had settled into the Salvatore School. The call made for Odette to travel from New Orleans down to Mystic Falls because her twins were in trouble and Alaric, the headmaster, wanted to talk in person about the problem.

When Odette arrived in town she greeted her kids by giving them beignets she bought them before walking to the headmaster's office. With pleasantries being said, Alaric informed the mother that her twins were acting out. Specifically, Spencer, and while they didn't do anything worth being expelled, they were on the road to being so.

Odette went to talk to the twins once they were out of classes, making her take the boys into town so they can talk. Which is how they were led to buying milkshakes and sit at a booth

"So, you both got in trouble, again," Odette says sitting across from her boys who were drinking their shakes

"How much trouble are we in?" Spencer asks wondering what it was going to cost them for causing a timed explosion in three separate rooms, it was supposed to be five, but they only had enough chemicals for three. The explosion wasn't made to burn anything, the rooms ended up covered in foam that was found as it spilled into the hallway from under the doors.

"First, I just want to know why you boys are suddenly getting in trouble," Odette says knowing that it was the first time the boys had acted out on a big scale throughout various periods of time

"Because we want to?" Matthew skeptically says making Odette glare at the boys

"Mhm, do you want me to use my superpowers?" Odette asks the boys making them look at each other knowing it was only a matter of time until their mother guesses how they were feeling

"We just miss dad," Spencer says as their plan for getting in trouble was to get expelled making Odette sigh 

"You both miss your dad?" Odette asks knowing this was something serious because it meant their cause for being rebellious was missing their dad and she couldn't be mad at that

The two boys nod their heads making Odette close her eyes before asking, "If your dad and I consider you both moving with him would that be okay?"

"Yes" Spencer quickly responds but it came out as a mumble because he had chocolate ice cream shake in his mouth 

"Can that happen?" Matthew asks sitting up straight interested in the potential the question could hold

"Yes, but I will talk to your dad about the logistics of it all so that will take time," Odette says with a tight smile knowing she would soon be even farther away from her kids, but was happy in seeing how excited they were, "Meaning... no getting in trouble at school and there will be rules you have to follow and promises you need to make me"

That afternoon Odette stayed in Mystic Falls so she can talk to Klaus over the phone about the idea of the kids moving with him. Their planning lasted two weeks because first, it started with Odette needing Klaus to check out schools in Spain as that was the place she trusted the kids could thrive in. Also because of Cleophus' memory in reminding Odette that her father's side of the family lived in Spain and some even used magic. Then came the rules for the boys which were to keep their magic canceling bracelet at all times unless they were practicing magic at home. The promises the twin boys were to make to their mom were the same ones her dad had created after her mom died, along with the extra one of them calling Odette every day.

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