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With Odette hearing the news from Marcel she quickly exited the room in search of Freya and Klaus. She found the two siblings making their way downstairs towards the courtyard.

"Hope asked for my help," Freya tells Klaus as she walks down the staircase and he follows

"So, you decided to lend a hand in her destruction?" Klaus asks while thunder flashed through every skylight

"The plagues are nearing their end. All it would take is one more meeting between you to end it all, something needed to be done," Freya replies having yet to look back at her brother or Odette who was walking down the other set of staircase across the room 

"I was leaving New Orleans when you struck me down," Klaus announces walking behind Freya as she made her way towards the door with everyone's lock

"Who's to say you wouldn't be weak again? Test the limits to lay your eyes on Hope, as you did with Elijah?" Freya questions making Klaus grab her arm and turn her around to face him

"Don't put this on me!" Klaus shouts at his sister while letting go of her arm "I was trying to protect her. Perhaps I was wrong to have faith in you. Maybe your obligations to family were infringed upon by other plans. Keelin's back, isn't she?"

"Klaus!" Odette exclaims making her presence known, "That's not fair, Freya has sacrificed so much. I know you want to protect Hope but it's obvious that's not what she needs right now"

"I'm her father. I decide what she needs and what she doesn't."

Before Odette can speak up Freya beats her to it and the words leaving her mouth make both parents look at her with parted lips, "Do you? Because while you were gone, I was here, with Odette a-and Hayley. Hope did everything we ever asked of her. The one time she acted out, it was because she missed her dad. You want to see what she does with a lifetime of missing both her parents? We have to let her make her own choices."

"She's a child," Klaus whispers knowing deep down that Freya was right, but he promised not only Odette but himself that he would protect Hope with everything that he is. By not stopping Hope from taking in the Hollow, he felt like he was failing as a dad

"Her childhood ended three days ago, when she lost Hayley, and Odette never woke up," Freya replies in a soft voice to hide the quivers of her voice, "And as long as that magic is inside of you, Klaus, all three of your kids are as good as orphaned. Look, we've all done dangerous things for family, and we've seen each other through it. Now it's her turn."

"Freya. You have to stop her." Klaus pleads looking at his sister with glassy eyes

Freya takes a good look at her brother before strongly but softly replying, "No."

Just then Freya vanishes before them and with her, the gold heart-shaped lock with the letter 'F' disappears from the white door.

Odette wanted to reach out for Klaus's hand but she hesitates and in the end, lets her hand fall back to her side.

"Klaus we can't stop her," Odette softly says looking up at him while he still faced the white door

Klaus turns to look at Odette in disbelief, he thought that she of all people would be on his side. That Odette would want to stop their daughter from consuming the Hollow.

"What happened to being on my side, do you no longer care for our daughter's safety?" Klaus questions making Odette's eyebrows furrow but because she had bangs they were hidden

"You idiot!" Odette exclaims no longer caring about walking on eggshells around him ,

"I care! I had to promise my own children to never use my so-called superpower around them once I learned how to control it but guess what? I still know them well enough to know they are so much like you! They are so fucken stubborn and loyal and once the three make up their mind on something there is absolutely nothing that could stop them. We can't stop them! The boys are trying to wake me up and if this works then hells yes because I tried to wake up and it wasn't like before"

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