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The twins were the first to go down, after all, they were the ones to hit each other with a fist full of white sleeping powder. Hope was last to go down, only she had no say in it as the boy she had liked and had betrayed her blew white sleeping powder in her face. Yet they all woke up at the same time, and in the same place. A home just like the ones they constantly moved to when they were young, and it was dark out with a crescent moon in the clear sky.

The twins wake up with a groan as they felt the pain from having to hit the pavement and Hope quietly woke up. None of them knew where they were but they were all seated next to each other on a couch

Hope was the first to open her eyes and she was the first to see their mother standing in the kitchen preparing a kettle. In disbelief, Hope lets out a whisper, "Mom?"

"Mom?" The twins confusingly ask only to open their eyes and see what Hope was seeing.

"Mom!" They all exclaim making Odette look over at her children only to smile seeing them awake.

Taking in the warm smile they all missed, the three siblings got off the couch, ran past the furniture, and towards their mother.

Spencer was the first to reach Odette, then Hope, and lastly Matthew who all pulled her into a hug

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Spencer was the first to reach Odette, then Hope, and lastly Matthew who all pulled her into a hug. Odette was a bit aware of what had happened and what she had missed but having her children hug her as if she was going to disappear made her lip quiver.

When they first had shown up Odette was taken back, she had searched everywhere for an out but there wasn't one. It was always night out and Odette tried to leave the house by running into the woods only to end back up facing the house. She couldn't change into her wolf form, but she could feel pain and it wasn't hers or at least not all of it was. Nothing changed and she didn't know how to track time so when her kids showed up unconscious Odette couldn't help but worry.

Not wanting to, Odette was the one to end the group hug only to see her kids crying and that caused the tears she had been holding back to fall.

"Why are you crying?" Odette asks as she raises her hand to wipe away the fallen tears from Matthew who stood in the middle of the siblings "Everything is okay"

And there is it was, the triple combination that made the siblings be at ease, they were still afraid but they felt safe. It must have been that Odette was also emotional and had watery eyes but that just made the green in the mother's eyes outweigh the light brown that always made them feel safe. Odette's warm and inviting smile that all the three siblings inherited, but if you ask the mother they had their dad's dimpled smile. The way Odette looked at the three, the way she smiled at them and by saying that everything is okay, it made them feel safe. Something they had all longed for

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault" Hope blurts out her voice shaking as tears fall down her cheeks and to the ground

"Hope," Odette says reaching out to place her hand on her daughter's face as caress her cheek, every so often wiping away a fallen tear, "You are so powerful but that doesn't mean I didn't know what was happening when I fell unconscious. Now the kettle is about to be ready, go sit. There is so much I've missed and I want to know everything"

✓ LONELY HEART³ ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now