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When the sun came up in New Orleans, Odette and Hayley left the kids in the compound alone as they went out to the Bayou to try and clean up the mess created by the oldest Mikaelson. Hope was walking around the empty house with her phone in hand face-timing Kol

"How is my little ne'er-do-well?" Kol asks once the call connects being able to see his niece's face

"I've been better" Hope says with a chuckle before asking, "How's Davina?"

"My darling wife is gorging on papaya right now. You know, Belize is beautiful this time of year. You should visit"

"I'd love to, but... I'm grounded" Hope says informing her uncle of her house arrest as she walks along the second-floor balcony

"Grounded? Can't ground a witch, let alone my favorite niece" Kol replies as he knew about the Hybrid Hope had created and he found out through Spencer who was told by Matthew once he gave his brother the news that he could come home

"That's what I said," Hope says with a smile before rolling her eyes, "Mom didn't think it was funny"

"Well, I'm sure it will all blow over by Mardi Gras. After all, we are talking about your mother, she will forgive you once you ask" Kol says trying to lighten the mood knowing there wasn't much Odette wouldn't forgive

 After all, we are talking about your mother, she will forgive you once you ask" Kol says trying to lighten the mood knowing there wasn't much Odette wouldn't forgive

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"I... I didn't think it was such a big deal at the time, but now that it's stirred up so much trouble I-I feel kind of bad" Hope says looking away from her phone camera

"Darling, you can't get your knickers in a knot every time you have a little kerfuffle. You'll never have a moment of pleasure. And I, for one, thought you showed some real entrepreneurial spirit" Kol says making his niece smile lifting her sprits

"Yeah, that's me, your friendly, neighborhood blood dealer"

"I'm sure you've noticed by now the best people are black sheep," Kol says making Hope think about one person

"Like my dad?" Hope says in a soft voice

"I was referring to me," Kol says with a smile "Niklaus is in a league of his own"

"Seen him lately?" Hope asks curious as she never liked to ask her brothers about their time with their dad, it brought up mixed feelings

"Well, thankfully for you, no," Kol says but being the frown on Hopes face he continues speaking "Don't worry. Sooner or later, something will blow up in New Orleans. Some crisis or other always brings us back"

Hope thinks about his words and the idea of a crisis gives her an idea making her slowly say, "Okay"


Out in the Bayou Lisina stood inside her rusting blue shack at the edge of a lake, and on the other side of the entrance stood Odette and Hayley. Standing at the door entrance Lisina couldn't hide Henry anxiously sitting on the couch

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