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Klaus had left his children at the Bayou with the intention of leaving to get away from Hope before disastrous events happened. On his way to the car, Klaus had to stop because a wave of magic passed through him and his neck was snapped. When Klaus woke up he was in the compound and across from him was Elijah, only that neither of them could get away from each other because a forcefield was locking them inside the house.

Klaus stood on a balcony overlooking the city where outside it was dark and a rainstorm was breaking out through the city.

"Every last exit is sealed." Elijah informs Klaus while standing inside the housekeeping his space away from Klaus, "If you're thinking about jumping, don't. I already tried it. I landed in the world's most pretentious wine cellar."

Klaus turns around to face Elijah who had yet to recover his memories, "You sorted it by vintage. You don't remember, do you? I thought Marcel was intent on retrieving your memories."

"He was. He failed. I still remember absolutely nothing, and Antoinette is dying." Elijah says as he wanted to get out of the place that they were into a race towards the women that he loves

"Is she? Right. Yes. I'd forgotten." Klaus replies unbothered by the fact that Antoinette is dying due to being bitten by him

"What the hell are we doing here? What is this place? This is dangerous, you and I here together." Elijah says as he remembered the last time the two were in proximity and there was a storm starting in France just like the one happening outside the compound

"We're not actually here together, are we? Not physically, at least. It's called a Chambre de Chasse." Klaus sighs annoyed that he had to explain their situation to Elijah, "It's a magical mental prison designed to resemble our home. But don't worry. There's always a way out... A game or a riddle."

"How do we solve this riddle?" Elijah asks wanting the answer to get out of the magical mental prison

"We don't do anything." Klaus states walking over to stand closer to Elijah, "We're square, you and I. You got Hayley killed, and Antoinette will die because of me. I would hate to upset that delicate balance. So I'm gonna find my way out, and you're on your own."

Klaus walks past his brother and out of the room only to make his way downstairs. In the midst of looking at a hung painting of Elijah that had gotten ruined a while ago, Klaus hears a door creak open and then it shuts. It hadn't come from the room he left Elijah, in making Klaus turn around just as thunderstruck.

Believing it could be the person who put him in the Chambre de Chasse Klaus shouts, "Who's there? Show yourself!"

"Oh, Nik," Rebekah sighs as she walks into the living room and towards her brother "Always so dramatic"

"Rebekah" Klaus says with a smile making Rebekah chuckle as she walks towards her brother. As the two hug each other after years of not being able to see each other, their sibling moment was ruined by someone being magically dropped on the couch

"Bloody hell." Kol mumbles as he stands up to face his two siblings naked "My least favorite recurring nightmare"

" Kol mumbles as he stands up to face his two siblings naked "My least favorite recurring nightmare"

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