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Hope opens her eyes only to look around to find herself in her room. Her breath hitches remembering her dream and what happened before she blacked out. It meant remembering Hayley. Yet because the last face she saw was Odette, Hope can't help but her first waking words be, "Mom?"

"Hope" Freya whispers from her seat on the bed across Hope's room at the Salvatore School

"Mom?" Hope asks with wide eyes taking a look at her surroundings sitting up on her bed only to see she had been laying on her twin bed at the Salvatore School

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"Mom?" Hope asks with wide eyes taking a look at her surroundings sitting up on her bed only to see she had been laying on her twin bed at the Salvatore School. Her fairy lights were on being the only source of light but enough for the young witch to see Freya

"I'm here" Freya softly says her hands

"What happened? Where is she?" Hope asks not knowing if she was referring to her mom or Hayley but mainly both

"Breathe. You're safe now," Freya calmly states slowly walking towards Hope like she was a wild animal needing to calm down

"Where are my mom's?" Hope shouts making the light bulbs of her fairy lights pop and for Freya to stop walking before she sits down next to a hyperventilating Hope. Having her aunt sitting right in front of her Hope can see Freya's red eyes the first sign that the blonde witch had been crying. Something bad happened, "What?"

"Hayley's gone," Freya whispers trying her best not to break down crying as she needed to be brave for her niece

"No, no. No, no. No, no," Hope mumbles her blue eyes getting darker as they start to glass up, tears threatening to fall. Freya pulls Hope into a hug making the young witch cry out, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... No. No... No..."

Growing up Klaus wasn't able to be there for his kids every first or big moments. Hayley had the privilege of being by Odette's side through it all. In the kids, in Odette, Hayley was able to find the one thing she had always longed for, her family. When the twins were learning how to speak they would call Hayley 'mammy", it's what they called everyone who they trusted. As they got older Hope and the boys would at times call Hayley mom, and they learned that it was simple to call Odette and Hayley their moms. Because that's what they are to them. 

Odette never got jealous of her kids giving her cousin that title, because Hayley did everything that Odette did. She loved the three kids, raised them, was there for everything (the twins taking their first step, Spencer breaking his arm while learning how to walk, Hope losing her first tooth), and made sure Odette didn't have to go on missions as often so she can stay with her kids. While no one could love the three young Mikaelson kids more than Klaus and Odette, Hayley was a close third.

Hayley died doing the one thing she promised to do, protect her family. She had vowed to protect Hope just like the Mikaelson's had and as she was pinned to the wall by Greta, Hayley knew what to do. Hayley knew that not only was she protecting Hope who laid unconscious a few feet away but also her boys and her best friend. So, without a second thought, Hayley sacrificed herself for her family and she was at peace with her life decisions.

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