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With his kids safely within the gates of the Salvatore School, Klaus was able to roam through New Orleans with a plan in hand. It's why he stood in the French Quarter speaking to Vincent and other witches who paused in decorating their Mardi Gras float when they spotted the hybrid.

"So, what exactly are you implying?"

"Hope hid her mother with a cloaking spell. Someone found her. That requires a witch" Klaus explains to Vincent making behind him Colette glance over at Ivy who didn't leave her eyes from the two men across from her

"So that means it was one of mine?" Vincent asks and starts to shake his head knowing none of his witches would harm the two hybrids he was looking for "I don't think so"

"You witches always plead virtue, but if history's to be prologue, you're the most rotten of the bunch"

"As soon as Freya told me that Hayley and Odette had gone missing, there were a dozen of us witches out there on the streets performing locator spells, trying to find her. Because Hayley is actually a friend to us and Odette is practically one of us, okay?" Vincent says which catches Klaus' attention, but it was all true, every word leaving Vincent's mouth, "They, unlike you, have earned our respect. And out of respect to them, I'm only gonna say this to you one time, Klaus: we had absolutely nothing to do with their disappearance. I promise you that"

"A witch's promise is as slippery as snake oil and as effective." Klaus says keeping up the insults, "You want peace and prosperity? Prove your innocence and find her"

Klaus' next stop was the Bayou where he interrupted their Mardi Gras float preparations making Lisina and David be the two to listen to the hybrids words while the rest of the wolves kept working.

"Why would the werewolves take down their own Alpha?" Lisina asks Klaus who stood on the higher ground making them look up at him

"That's a valid question. Perhaps one of your fellow swamp mates can shed some light"

With crossed arms, a brunette wolf named David says, "We are the victims here. A bloodsucker killed Henry just for being a hybrid"

"No, you wolves saw the boy as an abomination, as well," Klaus shouts making Lisina's shoulder tense, Henry was the closest thing she had to a son but she knew that some wolves the word abomination could have crossed their minds when news spread that Henry had become a hybrid. "Who's to say the same disgust didn't extend to Hayley? To Odette? A guilty wolf could just point fingers at vampires to cover their tracks. If you didn't take them, I suggest you find out who did"

The next stop was to visit the vampires, who were decorating their float out in the streets. Interrupting their decorating the three who were pulled into the conversation was Marcel, Josh, and Gretta.

"Do you really think my guys would be that stupid? They know that if they even laid a finger on Hayley or Odette, they'd be answering to me" Marcel says with his hands in his pockets

"Well, was it you who ordered the vampires to antagonize the wolves and string up that hybrid boy?" Klaus asks making Marcel and Josh look away knowing what happened to Henry they blamed each other because they had promised to keep him safe, "No. I didn't think so. Perhaps your royal status has wilted along with your marital prospects"

"All right, all right. Easy." Josh says placing a hand on Marcel's chest to stop him from taking a step towards Klaus, "The vampires like Hayley and Odette everyone does. We didn't touch them"

At the declaration that everyone made in saying their faction weren't the ones who had the hybrid cousins, Klaus started his threat. The same threat that he made to each faction, "Well, I suggest you amp up your efforts to retrieve her, then. Because if my children are not reunited with her mother and aunt by sundown, then your entire faction will face the wrath of my disappointment. Close proximity of just two Mikaelsons turned rain to blood. Imagine what would happen if I were to turn to my siblings for help. Our little family reunion would cause hellfire to devour us all"

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