Naina Has Talent

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A person from an Art Museum from Mumbai is going to visit Naina today at her home. With Sameer's help she is taking out all her painting and sketches she has done so far, he is really very proud of her.

Sameer: Aur yeh tumhari ahkri wali painting hai

Naina: This one is my favourite one, it took me a long time to do this one.

A doorbell is heard, Naina opens it, and lets the owner of the famous Museum come in. He shakes hands with both of them.

Akshay: It's so lovely to meet you Naina, I've heard a lot about you, and your one of my inspirations. I'm Akshay by the way.

Naina: Thank you so much, please sit down, do you want anything Akshay.

Akshay: Just a glass of water will do.

Sameer starts talking to him, and tells him that Naina has a world inspiration in her mind, and tells him that she only does it when her feelings are present at the very moment. She comes back, and gives it to him.

Akshay: Let's look at your paintings.

Naina shows it to him, and explains what each one meant to her before she actually started painting them, there is a hidden meaning behind each one, which not many artists can do, he becomes impressed by all of them, espeacially the scary one of her nightmare.

Akshay: I love all of them Naina, your so talented, and it's a very good thing that you rang me up. I'm very happy to put it in my museum, and you can be a part of the art exbition which will happen soon in three weeks from today. Those paintings will be sold at a very good price. Here is my card.

Naina: Thank you so much for this, I can't believe it I'll be in Mumbai to present my paintings, this is so huge, you just made my day.

Akshay: You deserve it so much, I'll let you both enjoy this happiness.

Once Akshay leaves they both jump around in happiness, he lifts her up in his arms, and twirls her around. He puts her down again.

Naina: Mein Mumbai jaarahi hoon, tum bhi awoghe mere saat?

Sameer: I don't know, I think I will need to ask dad about it.

Naina: That's fine, you can ask for permission.What if I go on my own, will you miss me?

Sameer: I will miss you a lot, it will be like my soul will be missing, and I will need it a lot.

3 Weeks Later

Sameer is dropping Naina off to the airport, as she will be going by herself. They arrive and get out. Sameer is really going to miss her a lot as she will be leaving him for two days. She gives him a long hug, and a passionate kiss. Naina waves at him and enters in with a few tears coming out of her eyes. She gets her boarding pass, and waits for the flight to be announced.

Naina: It's already been an hour, and I'm missing Sameer so much.

The flight gets announced and she sits down in the plane, she does feel very excited about it . She takes her phone out, and sees a few messeges from him.

Sameer: Already missing you baby

Naina: Miss you much more jaan

She puts her seatbelt on, and the plane takes off. Naina listens to some music, and the air hostess arrives with her food. She starts to eat it, when she remembers that when they went on thier honeymoon Sameer actually fed her. She begins to smile at that memory. Naina finally lands in the city of dreams. She sits down in a taxi, and looks outside beginning to wish, that she will live here someday.

Driver: Aap nayi aheho Mumbai mein?

Naina: Yeh doosri baar hai, Mumbai is so beautiful.

Driver: That's very true.

She pays the taxi driver, and arrives at the hotel, she tells the receptionist that she will be staying here for one day, she gives her the keys and arrives at her room. She gets changed into western clothes, and goes out to eat some street food which she finds really yummy. Her phone starts to ring.

Sameer: Tum Mumbai pahauch gayi ho haina?

Naina: Haa mein Mumbai mein hoon eating, then I'll go for the Art exbition.

Sameer: I love you Naina

Naina: I love you too Sameer see you tommorow.

Naina arrives at the musueam of where the Art exbition will take place, she finds her paintings and goes towards it. It starts, and a lot of people come in to see it. A few important people stop stare at Naina's paintings as they become very interested, she tells them about it, and they want to buy it off from her. She tells Akshay about it, and he is really happy for her. They give her triple the money, and she becomes blown away as she has never seen so much money in her life. Out of all of the paintings, she recieved the highest amount.

Akshay: I'll transfer all the money in your bank account today, so that you will recieve it tommorow, I think you should open up your very own art studio with this.

Naina: I'll have to think about it first.

It is the next day, and Sameer is waiting for Naina at the airport, she gets her luggage, and sees him. He sees her, and they both walk towards each other. They hug one another for sometime, before they come apart. Sameer makes Naina sit down in the car, and they leave from there.

Sameer: How was it?

Naina: It was amazing Sameer, some important people came to see it, and they gave triple the amount of money for the paintings, I was really shocked after hearing that. But I don't want to continue.

Sameer: Why not you should though, follow your dreams?

Naina: I don't think you will be happy if I moved to Mumbai, and set up an art studio? I know you won't like it.

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