New Recruit: Paul's POV

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Dawn, like an idiot, tried to wash the dishes after coming back inside. I immediately waved her away, looking at her arms that had been rewrapped from her wrist to her shoulder in bandages. Rolling my eyes I turned to the sink and began washing the dishes with the soap and sponge next to the faucet.

"I can at least help dry," she stated petulantly and I glared at her over my shoulder.

"For someone who claims to be a trainer you don't seem to take care of yourself very well. What will happen if you hurt yourself more?" I asked angrily. 

Dawn blinked and her cheeks became tinted with red, although I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or anger. Before she could retort I turned around and scrubbed the pot we boiled the berries in.

"If you can't travel then you can't train and then you are no use to your pokemon," I pointed out flippantly as I continued scrubbing. 

The sound of bare feet crossing the floor towards me made me roll my eyes, making me remember how she came outside this morning in bare feet as well.

"My cuts are healing really well because of Mrs. Jun; the only thing that really hurts is my shoulder," Dawn said leaning back against the counter and looking over at me as I continued washing the dishes. "How weak do you think I am?" she asked with a frown. 

Unbidden, a derisive laugh erupted from my chest and I looked over at her with mirth.

"Do you want me to answer that?" I asked and her cheeks went red again, this time definitely from anger.

"Why are you such a jerk, huh? You are helping me and yet you insult me without a second thought. What's your deal?" she asked with obvious frustration and I shrugged.

"I just say what I think," I responded unapologetically, rinsing off the pan and placing it on the drying rack next to me.

"If you think I'm so weak and not worth your time then why did you help me with the poffins?" she asked angrily and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"It would have made me feel guilty if you hurt yourself while making something for my pokemon. I have no desire to be indebted to you," I answered bluntly.

To my surprise, all the anger in her expression faded and was replaced with a curious expression. Her blue eyes regarded me as if she had just discovered a new species of pokemon. I turned away, not liking the squishy feeling I was getting in my stomach from the look.

"What?" I asked gruffly, moving on to the mixing bowl. 

Dawn didn't respond for several seconds and I looked over at her to see that she had turned to look out the window where Torterra could be seen sitting on the grass and soaking in the sun.

"You may say what you think, but I wonder if you understand why you think the way you do," she said slowly, continuing to stare outside at Torterra. 

I blinked then shook my head. She really is an idiot, I thought with a hint of pity before turning my focus back on the dishes. 

Dawn didn't say anything else but she stood next to me as I finished the small amount of dishes in the sink. Taking advantage of the silence I turned my thoughts to more important things and began going through all of the pokemon that were known to be found on Melemele island in my mind's eye.

"I'm back everyone!" Hau's voice rang out from the front door. 

A feeling of annoyance washed over me as I placed the last cleaned dish on the drying rack and turned to look at the lackadaisical trainer. Finding out this morning that he was a Kahuna was a serious blow to my excitement for completing the island challenge. I couldn't see how anyone who was as clueless and carefree as this guy could be any kind of challenge to me.

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