Epilogue: Dawn's POV

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One year and one month later

The perfume of roses permeated the air even here in May's prep tent. Serena and I, along with May's mom, had been working on May's hair, makeup, and nails for the last three hours. Finally, the last curl was swooped into place and we all stood back to look at our work. May was wearing a dress that looked like a modern take of a beautiful old English dress with sleeves that fit her upper arms like a second skin but at her elbows, they billowed out and draped nearly to the ground, reminding me of beautifly wings. The dress came down in a loose square neck, showing off her beautiful necklace that was a string of delicate crystal roses that Drew had given her as a gift with matching earrings. The body of the dress hugged her down to her hips where it flared out and it was all made out of lustrous silk that looked almost like the ripples of water as she moved.

Her hair had all been curled and most of it had been gathered up in an elegant bun at the top of her head, but large loose curls were left down to frame her face. Everything about her looked delicate and ethereal and I just knew that Drew's mouth was going to fall to the floor when he saw his normally blunt and energetic girl looking as elegant as the roses he loved.

I had to chuckle as I remembered when May called me six months ago and told me that she was going to take things into her own hands. With the help of me and Serena, we all secretly bought a plot of land in a gorgeous area outside of Petalburg City. May grilled Drew about everything he was looking for in his fantasy rose garden that he had in mind for their wedding day and we all got to work. Paul and Ash had done most of the heavy labor of getting all of the rose bushes packed and over to our plot of land, and we never would have gotten the water fountain with the statue that Drew had described if Paul hadn't used his particular skills in intimidation while negotiating with the contractors.

It had taken months of hard work and there were so many times when we thought we were going to be caught, but everything was finally ready by late February. When May had brought Drew to the garden I had been shocked to see him actually shed a tear as he looked at his perfect rose garden. Now here we were, May 1st in the middle of the most magical rose garden I had ever seen and May and Drew were finally going to get married.

"Oh honey, I am so happy for you!" May's mom said, tears spilling from her eyes. 

May took one of her hands in her own and I couldn't help but feel a shot of pride as I saw the delicate lace gloves that I had found for her. Serena came over and wrapped her arm around my waist, sighing happily, and I rested my head gently against hers.

May asked us both to be her bridesmaids since we helped so much with the rose garden. Even though Serena hadn't been able to do too much work on the planting because of her duties as Kalos Queen, she had painstakingly handmade our maid of honor dresses. I glanced in the mirror and couldn't help but smile as I caught a glimpse of us in the mirror. 

Serena had somehow crafted dresses out of delicate pink satin that perfected copied the effect of rose petals. From our waists, large "petals" billowed out over what seemed like dozens of layers of the petal-like fabric that ended a few inches above our knees. The top of the dress, in the same pink color, was tight and she had used the same technique from the skirt to make it look like the sleeves of the dress were made up of rose petals. The dresses were over the top and absolutely fantastic in every way.

Music began playing and I could hear the sounds of people chatting beginning to lessen as they took their seats in the lawn chairs set up on either side of the aisle that would lead to the temporary stage where Drew would be waiting for her in just a few minutes. May jumped up and would have run out in her excitement if Serena and I hadn't sprung in front of the tent door and blocked her.

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