A Numbskull's Mistake: Dawn's POV

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My head felt fuzzy as I slowly blinked my eyes open. As I tried to lift my arm up to rub against my eyes they widened as I realized that my wrists were tied behind my back along with my ankles. I also had a cloth gag tied around my mouth tightly. 

Panic briefly surged through me as I struggled against the pieces of cloth that were holding my wrists together. As it became obvious that struggling wasn't going to get me anywhere I breathed slowly in and out through my nose as I took stock of where I was. I seemed to be alone in some kind of living room. The walls had splashes of random colored paint all over, the furniture was all dinged and dented, and most of the chairs in the room were tipped over haphazardly.

If I can't get myself out, maybe I can reach my pokeballs, I told myself as I tried to remain calm. I hope Paul is okay. 

Straining my shoulder I desperately reached for the miniaturized Pokeballs on my belt. Just when I thought it was hopeless my fingers brushed against something blessedly round. Grunting from pain I managed to pop one of them off and my cry was muffled because of the cloth around my mouth as it popped off and rolled away from me. Carefully I got onto my knees and shuffled after my Pokeball. Once I had reached it I awkwardly bent to the side to pick it up in my bound hands. Enlarging the small Pokeball I tossed it and felt like crying from relief as Growlithe appeared.

Growlithe took exactly two seconds to look around and see what predicament I was in before rushing behind me. I felt him grip the cloth around my hands with his teeth and pull, but that just seemed to be tightening it. He had just started to carefully bite on it when the door opened, revealing two teenage boys in the doorway.

"Hey, what's this growlithe doing here?" one of the guys asked in surprise. 

Growlithe courageously leaped in front of me, barking furiously.

'Don't tell me it's the chick's? Dude, how did she release one of her pokemon?" the other guy asked. They both yelped and ducked as Growlithe burst into a Flame Wheel and only narrowly missed them.

"Drowzee, help me out!"

"You too, Raticate!"

Growlithe crouched and growled menacingly at the two pokemon that appeared. I tried to speak but the gag made it sound like muffled gibberish. I watched helplessly as Growlithe blasted a Flamethrower toward his two opponents, but they both dodged with plenty of time to spare. Tears sprang to my eyes as I watched Growlithe trying to fight off the two bigger pokemon. As Raticate came close to bite down on Growlithe with a Super Fang he jumped back but Drowzee fired a Psybeam at him, knocking him over my head where he crashed into a toppled chair.

"Grofith!" I cried out as I fell to the ground and began rolling over towards him.

"Where are you going, missy?" 

A strong hand grabbed my shoulder, halting my momentum and I rolled onto my back, lashing out and kicking the guy's leg. He yelled in pain, jumping back and holding his shin. Turning I furrowed my brow in confusion as I saw Growlithe limping over to my backpack that had been tossed next to a patchy couch.

"Drowzee, use Hypnosis. This chick is too much trouble awake," the guy who I had kicked growled. 

Sitting up I tried to scoot myself back as the drowzee began walking slowly towards me, holding his hands in front of him. Glancing back at Growlithe my eyes widened when I saw that he had managed to open the small pocket on the outside of my backpack and the fire stone I bought fell out of it. I continued scooting away from the drowzee, who had started to hum softly, and Growlithe tore into the wrapping over the fire stone, revealing a corner of the shimmering red color. He looked up at me briefly and I met his eyes before he purposefully stepped on the stone and his body instantly began glowing.

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